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SAT ACT Prep Online Guides And Tips

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Do you know the difference between the SAT and ACT? Wondering where to find a practice test for your upcoming college entrance exams? Read more about it here-

In the US, two types of tests are commonly used to assess students’ qualifications for undergraduate institutions: The Scholastic Aptitude Test and The American College Testing Program. The purpose of these tests is to measure your academic aptitude. Essentially, they are designed to ensure that you have what it takes academically for college-level coursework.

There are several students who are not clear about the difference between both types of exams. Let us have a look at the same.

They are both internationally recognized tests that measure your academic aptitude. The purpose of these tests is to ensure that you have what it takes academically for college-level coursework.

The SAT is more popular in the US whereas the ACT is most commonly taken by students in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific region.

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  • The SAT test is generally taken in 11th or 12th grade by students in most of North America, Latin America, and Asia-Pacific regions.

  • The ACT is most commonly taken by students in the United States, Canada, and Europe.

Both tests are designed to be an objective measurement of a student's ability to succeed in college. Here is a comparison of the ACT and SAT exam formats.

  • SAT and ACT test format

Both ACT and SAT tests consist of multiple sections. The SAT has three mandatory sections: The Mathematics Test, the Reading Test, and the Writing Test. The ACT, however, has four mandatory sections: The Mathematics Test, the Reading Test, the Writing Test, and the Science Test. Moreover, in case of both these exams, the Writing section holds an option for students regarding whether they want to do an essay or not.

Most frequently asked questions by students on these tests-

  1. What is the average SAT score?

The average SAT Math score is roughly equal to a score of 800. This means that if you get a perfect 800 on the Math section of the exam, you will not go wrong for any college admissions. If you get a perfect 800, you'll be in good shape for colleges across the nation. The minimum requirement for college admission is to take a Math exam and get at least a 700.

  1. What is an ACT composite score?

The ACT composite score takes your scores from all four sections into consideration and gives you one overall total. The ACT composite score ranges from 1 to 36. A 22 is a perfect score and anything above this is considered excellent.

What is a full-length SAT ACT practice test like?

The format of an ACT-type practice test is exactly like what you will experience on exam day: No surprises! But you do not get all six sections in one shot. For the ACT, you get a science section followed by a Math section, then a reading section, and so on.

For the SAT, there are no mandatory sections but all questions are arranged in order of difficulty- starting with the easiest questions first. You have to complete each section with the allotted time of 60 minutes before moving to the next one. However, if you finish any section early, you can mark it as completed and move on to the next one.

The takeaway is: Knowing how an exam is structured will help you know what to expect during your time on test day. This will help you avoid any surprises.

How to prepare for SAT and ACT practice test

If you are planning on taking the SAT or ACT, you should know the section of your exam that focuses on your strongest subject while allowing you to take less time. For example, if English is your weakest subject in school but it is your favorite and if you have at least a B- in English from high school, then select this section for the exam. This way, you'll have most of the minutes taken by an easy section in everyday life.

Emphasis on English in exams and books

Yes, there will be numerous English language questions in the test. If you come from a non-English speaking background, it is okay to take SAT practice tests in English. The test area you will have to perform the best in will be the Math section.

Set aside some time ahead of time for practicing SAT and ACT exams. Take a look at all the areas included in your exam and choose one that focuses on it the most. Look at previous papers and then follow it up with your exam. If you find any mistakes in them, use the answer key to correct them.

We hope this will help you plan and prepare well for these exams. These are just a few of the many ways to prepare for the test.

What are the best tips to prepare for these tests?

Here are a few tips that are likely to come in handy, if you are really keen on preparing:

  • Get a reliable book to learn the structure of these exams

  • Assess how much time you have for each section and allocate it well to each one trying to finish them within the time limit. Use all the time allotted for each section

  • Make a scheduled routine that helps you keep track of your deadlines and sticks to them consistently. This way, you will not have to worry about forgetting on the day of your exam. But make sure that whatever schedule you have made is still flexible so that there is no need to rush on test day.

  • Stick to your routine and do not be intimidated by the crowd on test day. You'll do just fine as long as you're confident with your preparation.

These are the tips that you can follow in order to prepare for your SAT and ACT exams.


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