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Why You Should Memorize SAT Exam Math Formulas?

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Mathematics is one of the most dreaded parts of the SAT exam for many students. As a result of the math formulas being provided on the test paper, you can hopefully relax and worry less during the test preparation period.

Be sure to take a moment before you rejoice. Even though SAT math formulas are available at the time of taking the test, it is strongly recommended to memorize them. Below are some reasons...

When taking the SAT, timing is crucial

Tests like the SAT are timed. This means that students have to answer the test questions while racing against the clock. When taking the math section, you run the risk of running out of time if you look up every formula on your test paper. A lost mark could be attributed to an incomplete test paper due to running out of time.

During your SAT preparation, you may want to memorize some formulas in order to save time on the test. The more time you have to answer all the questions and even look over your paper, the higher your chances of getting a better grade.

Math Formulas: How to Remember Them

To begin with, you will need to understand what math questions you will encounter on the SAT. The major categories of mathematics are algebra, problem solving and data analysis, and advanced mathematics. Read this article for a detailed look at SAT math.

The ACT does not provide formulas for math, so test takers need to memorize their math formulas. Math equations can be memorized more easily if SAT takers use their ACT studying techniques. It is important to practice them if you want to master them. Online and through school math reviews you can find a huge selection of math test prep resources.

Ensure you do not fully rely on your computer to do all the work for you on the SAT, since there are calculator and non-calculator sections. When taking the SAT exam, it is essential to know how to calculate each formula.

Here are the Math Formulas you need to memorize for the SAT


Math Formulas for the SAT

  1. First, let's examine the formulas you're given at the beginning of each section of the SAT Math test. You must memorize these formulas. Below are the formulas.

  2. If you need to solve problems involving percent changes, you can use the following formula.

In addition to solving problems involving percent increase, this formula also solves problems involving percent decrease.

Let's take a look at a simple example:

Let's assume x increases from 8 to 9: What is the percentage increase in x?

Originally, there was an 8, and now, there's a change of 1 since the Original is 8. In this case, we have

a percentage change of 1/8 × 100 = 12.5%

This means that x has increased by 12.5%.

  1. The following formula can be used to convert an average into a sum.

Sum = Average · Number

Statistics questions of all difficulty levels can often be simplified using this formula.

To illustrate, here is an example.

20 is the average (arithmetic mean) of five numbers. Adding a sixth number results in the average of six numbers being 30. Do you know what that sixth number is?

Well, if you add the five numbers together, then you get 100 (20 . 5).

If you add the six numbers together, you get 180 (30 * 6).

If you subtract 100 from 180, you get 80. 80 is the sixth number.

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  1. In SAT math day, you should be able to compute the slope of a line using the following formula.

Any two points on the line (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are considered here, while m stands for slope. To compute the numerator, the y-coordinates must first be subtracted. Subtracting the x-coordinates first is a common error. The following example illustrates this.

In order to find the slope of a line passing through (-1,3) and (2,5), what is the slope of the line?

Here is the algebraic answer:

y2y1 = 5 – 3 = 2


x2x1 = 2 – (-1) = 2 + 1 = 3.

So m = 2/3.

The geometric solution can be computed as under:

We move up two, and right three to get from (-1, 3) to (2, 5). As a result, rise is equal to 2, and run is equal to 3. M is therefore equal to 2/3.

Note: To visualize how you would move from the first point to the second point, it may be helpful to plot the two points and visually observe how you would move up, then right.

  1. You should also be familiar with the slope-intercept form of an equation of a line in addition to the slope formula.

y = mx + b

m and b are, as usual, the slope and y-coordinate of the y-intercept of the line, respectively.

To put it another way, (0,b) lies on the line. The b marks the location of the line on the y-axis.

Consider the equation of the line whose slope is 3 and which passes through the point (0,-5).

Now, we know that m is equal to 3, and b is equal to -5. Hence, we obtain the slope-intercept equation of the line:

y = 3x – 5.

A horizontal line has an equation of the form y = mx + b as a special case of the equation y = mx + b

y = b

Since the slope of a horizontal line is 0, a horizontal line has an equation of this form.

In the case of (5,3), y = 3 is the equation of the horizontal line through the point.

Additionally, a vertical line has an equation that looks like this

x = a

The slope-intercept form cannot be drawn for a vertical line, since a vertical line has no slope.

Taking the vertical line passing through the point (5, 3) as an example, the equation x = 5 can be found.

It is important to know the following facts as well:

Lines that are parallel have the same slope.

The slope of perpendicular lines is the reciprocal of their negative slope.

(6) According to the triangle rule,

A triangle's third side lies between the difference and the sum of the other two sides.

It is an incredibly simple rule, which is seldom taught in classrooms. Although triangle rule problems are often quite easy, they generally fall into the Level 4 or 5 range. Many students are unaware of this rule, so I attribute this to their inexperience. Let me give you a simple example.

What is the length of each side of a triangle with sides of length 2, 6 and x?

Six minus two is four, and six plus two is eight. Using the triangle formula, 4 < x < 8. X can be 5, 6, or 7 because it must be an integer. We therefore have three choices.

(7) This next formula can be useful with sets as well. There are X objects in a set, and Y objects in another, so there are a total of Y objects

Total = X + Y – Both + Neither

Now let's take a look at a simple example.

Imagine a music class of 30 students. There are ten students who play the piano, fifteen students who play the guitar, and three students who play both the piano and the guitar. The most students who don't play either of the two instruments are how many?

If we put these numbers into the formula, we get

30 = 10 + 15 – 3 + N.

Since 30 – 22 equals 8, N = 30-22 = 8.

  1. It is common for students to get confused when counting the number of consecutive numbers in a list.

b - a + 1 represents the number of integers from a to b inclusively.

Note: The word "inclusive" indicates we include both the endpoints a and b.

For instance, The number of integers between 2 and 7 is therefore 7 - 2 + 1 = 6.

It is easy to verify this by having a look at 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

The following example would be more difficult to verify.

Between 62 and 512, there are 451 integers, 512 – 62 + 1.

  1. Every student needs to know this formula.

distance = rate · time

You can use the following example to explain how you will travel 150 miles if you drive 30 miles per hour for 5 hours. 

Most students will understand this example. If your current SAT math score is below a 500, other formulas do not need to be a burden to you.


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