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Test Anxiety Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Written by Admin


Anxiety is a mental health condition derived from stress and that is prevalent in today’s young generation. It soars when there is an upcoming test. Students struggle a lot with studying pressure which gets unnecessary anxiety especially when a test is approaching which can be overcome with some treatment. It is all about perspective. You do not feel burdened when you love doing something. Making studies your passion will help you get relief. Students need special care and attention because if a child is suffering from anxiety, it should not at all be neglected. Therefore, it is a must to know the symptoms and causes of anxiety in a student.

Symptoms –

Symptoms are divided into three categories including physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms.

Students show common physical symptoms when having test anxiety. They start having stomach pain and get fastened heartbeat. Nausea is also a common symptom. They may even sweat a lot or may sometimes faint.

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Emotional symptoms may include fear, anger, or disappointment. Children may also show helplessness in their behavior. It is important for the parents to quickly figure things out as these all may affect a child’s health if continued for long.

Do you know when a child starts comparing him/herself with others?

It’s easy to understand that the child is showing cognitive symptoms of anxiety before a test. It’s common for a child to think in a negative way or s/he may also find difficulty in concentrating in studies.

Causes –

  1. Having fear of failing the test – This one is the greatest cause of anxiety a child suffers from before an exam. They fear and start thinking about what would happen if they fail the exam. They continue thinking that they will be made fun of or their friends might get more grades and they get offended by all these thoughts. Fear is a major factor that can conquer your mind easily.
  1. Insufficient preparation – Not preparing well for your test may again bring anxiety or stress among the students. Usually, children keep delaying their studying schedule and wait to the last minute, which doesn’t help them at all and becomes a cause for anxiety.
  2. Poor previous performance – Having poor performance or grades in past attempts may likely to have symptoms of anxiety as they fear of not scoring the same this time. Students may also have faced some sort of punishment or non- appraisal previously, so they fear not facing the same another time.

Treatments – 

  1. Develop good study habits – It is important to have a planned schedule and a time table to study. Making notes or highlighting the key concepts may help in developing good study habits and will ultimately help you to cope with the last moment of anxiety.
  1. Be positive – You should always remain positive. Getting negative thoughts will definitely bring stress and will hinder your performance. Positivity is a key to success. You can stay positive by reading some good positive thoughts and get inspiration. Also, avoid being with anyone who pulls you back or spreads negativity.
  1. Learn relaxation methods – There are some relaxation methods that can help you to overcome stress. Deep breathing or meditation for a few minutes may help you to cope with anxiety.
  1. Cut down distractions – Always try to avoid any interferences or disturbances around you. Distraction can lead to delayed study schedules and then ultimately bring anxiety.


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