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When fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas are burned, carbon dioxide is discharged into the atmosphere. These emissions have a huge impact on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions. Global climate change is unquestionably at the top of the list of today's environmental issues.

You will use fewer fossil fuels if you use energy properly. As a result, global warming is reduced. We've put up a list of 9 easy things you can take to help reduce global warming.

  1. Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling

To reduce waste, use reusable products over disposable ones, such as a reusable water bottle. When you buy things with minimum packaging, it's easy to reduce waste. It's a good idea to recycle paper, plastics, newspapers, glassware, and metal cans wherever possible. If your office, school, or town does not have a recycling programme, consider developing one. By recycling 50% of your home waste each year, you can lower your carbon footprint by 2,400 pounds.

  1. Save energy by using less heat and air conditioning

You may save your heating bills by 15% or more by insulating your walls and attic, adding weather stripping to your doors and windows, and adding insulation to your walls.

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Reduce the temperature of your home when you are sleeping or away during the day, then lower it down at night. By lowering your thermostat 2 degrees in the winter and raising it in the summer, you can cut your carbon dioxide emissions by around 2,000 pounds each year.

  1. Changing the light bulb

Replace regular light bulbs with LED bulbs whenever possible; they are superior to compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). Lighting using ENERGY STAR-qualified LEDs consumes up to 25 percent less energy and lasts up to 25 times longer than conventional incandescent bulbs.

  1. Drive safely and efficiently.

We emit fewer pollutants when we drive less. Walking and biking are not only good ways to save money on gas, but they are also good ways to get some exercise. Find out what public transit choices are available in your area and think about carpooling to work or school. Your trip can be a great opportunity to lower your carbon footprint.

If you drive, be sure your vehicle is in good working order. Keep your vehicle tyres correctly inflated, you can boost your gas mileage by more than 3%. For every gallon of petrol you save by driving less, you will also be removing 20 pounds of carbon dioxide from the planet.

  1. Make purchases that are energy-efficient.

If you are shopping for a new car, you should choose one that offers good gas mileage. Energy - efficient appliances are now available, and LED bulbs are designed to provide more natural-looking light but consume far less energy than standard bulbs. Check out the energy efficiency program in your state; you might find some assistance there.

You can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide each year by reducing the garbage in your house by 10 percent.

  1. Reduce the amount of hot water you use

Wrap a water heater that is over five years old in an insulating blanket to save energy. Lower the water heater's temperature to 120 degrees to save energy. Reduce your carbon emissions by 350 pounds a year by purchasing low-flow shower heads. You can reduce the amount of hot water you use and the amount of energy you use by washing your clothes in warm or cold water. Most households can save more than 500 pounds of carbon dioxide per year by simply changing those habits. Allow the dishes to air-dry after you run your dishwasher on its energy-saving mode.

  1. Turn off the power by pressing the "Off" switch

As you leave a room, use as much light as you need and turn off the lights when you leave, you can help to reduce global warming. Turn off your television, video player, stereo, or computer when you're done with them.

It is a good idea to conserve water in addition to shutting off your water when you are not using it. Do not turn on the water until you have finished brushing your teeth, cleaning your dog, or washing your automobile. Your water cost will be lower, and you will be contributing to the conservation of a valuable resource.

  1. Go green by planting a tree

Put the tree in the ground if you have the means. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by trees and other plants during photosynthesis and oxygen is released. Natural atmospheric exchange occurs as a result of their presence here on Earth. However, too few of them are available to offset the increase in carbon dioxide due to automobile traffic fully, manufacturing, and other activities. One tree can absorb almost a ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime, helping to mitigate climate change.

  1. Make others aware of the importance of conservation.

Take the time to spread awareness of recycling and energy conservation among your friends, neighbors, and coworkers, and encourage politicians to adopt good environmental policies.

You will be able to reduce your energy usage and reduce your monthly budget by implementing these steps. The less energy a household uses, the less it is dependent on fossil fuels, which create greenhouse gases and contribute to global warming.

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