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Parenting(Age 5 to 8) | Academic | General | Parenting(Age 9 to 12) | Parenting(Age 13 to 16) | 3 year AGO


Written by Admin


“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today”-Malcolm X.

Above all else, our educators wish to see growth and improvement in the overall functioning of their students through the medium of education. Now, here education does not mean sitting in a corner and cramming information all day, it also includes certain activities like sports, public speaking, theatre, etc. which will aid in the development of the child’s further interests. Now, it cannot be the sole responsibility of the teachers to strive for excellence, after all they are your guide. You, as students must also take some initiative to improve your overall performance. This can only happen when a student is willing to do hard work to become an outstanding student. A teacher’s responsibility is to impart knowledge and wisdom that meets with their students’ needs in an individualistic way- although this is a challenging task but effective teachers can make it happen. Although this fact cannot be ignored that resources and  effective teaching contributes to excellence among students, but those students who do not actively participate in their own studies cannot become outstanding students. There has to be participation from both sides which will in turn help students in achieving their goals.

It is the responsibility of students to come prepared for their classes so that they can absorb knowledge to the fullest extent possible. Also, they must try to implement whatever they learn in classes, to real life as well because things learnt in a practical way are seldom forgotten. Although it is a known fact that each student is different and they experience school differently, each of them can improve and become a better student with their own efforts and by developing an unrelenting zeal to learn.  When students develop these qualities, they become excellent in their studies and also various extra-curricular activities. Being an outstanding student does not only imply that the student is performing well at school, it also leads to confidence building and such children generally do well in their life post-school as well.

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So, what helps a student in becoming outstanding at school? Well, there are various tips that may be able to help you in the same. Follow these tips to become better at your studies:-

  1. Find your passion:- When you are passionate about something, you pour your heart out into learning that skill. So, it is pertinent that you choose a stream/course that you really love and have a passion for, this will help you in maintaining interest in the subject and you will have also fun in studying for it.
  2. Be curious:- When you are a student, being naturally curious helps you in understanding any concept better. So, ask questions. Ask questions if you don’t understand anything or you are unclear about what is being taught; this habit will take you far because those who have conceptual clarity about a subject can implement it in real life with ease.

  3. Be regular with your assignment/homework:- Completing assignments can be a bit tedious at times but they are given to you for a reason. They are given to check your retention power and clarity regarding a subject. So, don’t slack when it comes to doing homework or assignments. They will help you later when you will take your exams. Also, when you complete your homework/assignment on a regular basis and submit it when they are due, you will be seen as a responsible student.

  4. Go above and beyond with your schoolwork:- By saying this, we don’t mean overwork and exert yourself for the sake of your school. Just do more than is required. Outstanding students put in a little extra work so that they can reap maximum benefits from their school experience.

  5. Set a routine:- None of this can be achieved if you do not have a regular schedule. Make a routine for yourself that best suits your lifestyle. Be honest with it and do not over-promise, do what can be done in your day. Keep a balanced routine with set timelines for work and play.


These tips are beneficial for students who aim to become successful in their studies. Follow and incorporate these tips in your daily schedule and you will see that they make a difference. It is vital to incorporate good habits at this stage, as they will help in making you an outstanding student and an all-rounded individual later in life. There is no harm in doing something that may direct and point you to becoming a better student or even the best.


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