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Online Courses To Keep Your Kids Entertained During Summer Break

Written by Admin


Summer is here and kids are ecstatic because they have waited for the vacations all year long. But at the same time, parents get apprehensive, worrying about how can they avoid the boredom their kids go through which usually results in cataclysmic reactions.

In response to this everlasting dilemma, there are scores of online courses available for kids of all ages. Including subscription-based services and multi-week courses on a sweeping array of subjects and interests. Here are some courses that could keep the go-getters of the house busy.

For The Artist 

If the kids are of artistic temperament then there is a variety of courses available online, which can not only keep them engaged but they can also help them learn new skills.

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  1. Drawing and painting is always the go-to option for the parents of young children. This skill will provide tools for self-expression, creative thinking, and reflection.

  2. Collage Workshop: Here kids will learn basic collage techniques and develop fun and easy ways to develop hand-eye coordination and critical thinking. This also helps in cultivating the ability of self-expression.

  3. Disney Imagineering: Imagineers are people who create, design, and construct Disney Theme parks. There are online courses where real Imagineers, through interactive activities, give kids the opportunity to dream and design a theme park experience.

  4. Doodling is a new trend. There are many courses by renowned artists that are less instructional and more open-ended and creative.

  5. Kids are inclined towards Digital Arts. The skills acquired following this passion will help kids form a solid base for various other learnings.

  6. Some other classes are Origami Clay Modelling, Finger Painting Etc.

For The Prospective Programmer

The Internet Moguls of today’s era started coding very early. Various beginner courses show kids how to code, by adapting to their learning styles, having animated lectures and informative screen casts.

  1. Learn Javascript and coding with several other computer science programs.
  2. Learn software like Adobe Photoshop and podcasting.
  3. Learn game designing and develop websites and apps.

For The Young Entrepreneur

To foster the business skills in budding entrepreneurs, there are several online courses available that teach tips and tricks to do business and also provide business ideas for kids with little investment. There are many courses online for kids to learn concepts for business leadership, accounting, marketing, business analytics, etc.

For The Budding Chef

Kids can be encouraged to take online cooking classes. These classes teach from vegetable cutting to cake decorations. Kids can be inspired to learn the magic and cook up some inspirational kitchen creations.

For The Fitness Freak

Encourage the fitness freak in your kids and get them moving during the Summer break with online fitness classes. Several online exercise programs teach:

  1. Yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques - These ancient Indian techniques provide flexibility of muscles as well as relax the mind.

  2. Gymming - There are classes teaching gym workouts, cardio exercises, and weight training through streaming videos on various platforms.

  3. Sports like gymnastics and basketball are being taught and practiced through apps.

  4. Online self-defense classes will increase their confidence and equip them for the worst scenarios.

  5. There are classes for lighter training like hula hooping and cardio dancing.

For The Future Author

Kids love to spin stories anyway, and online classes provide a chance to sharpen their skills. 

Your budding author may thrive by enrolling in the various online courses that teach putting together all the aspects of creative writing, including character and plot development, and using appropriate vocabulary.

They can also be introduced to the world of blogging. Some classes teach the use of social media and posting their thoughts and life stories selectively.

For The Book Worms

Book worms in the house can be kept busy by being encouraged to learn a second/third language. Learning another language will not only prove to be an extra skill but will also improve critical thinking, multitasking, and listening skills. There are several learning platforms, offering a variety of subject matter, forum discussions, and interactive projects.

For The Shutterbugs

Kids these days are equipped with camera phones and are used to snap photos with them regularly. So, it’s only wise to encourage the photographers in them by giving them a chance to enroll in a class and acquire the skills to properly use a camera to create stunning photographs.

These classes not only teach history and techniques of photography but also encourage them to get creative.

For The Love of Music And Dance

There is a string of online music classes to learn to play various instruments. Be it Drums, Piano, Flute, Guitar, or Ukulele. Some classes teach singing too. For dance enthusiasts, there are classes for various dance forms. Teaching techniques of ballet as well as moon walking.

For The Naturalist

Learn gardening or become a pro- vegetable grower by enrolling in online classes. This can teach kids how to select a proper garden site, prepare soil, plant vegetables, and identify common insects and diseases.

For Those Who Go Off the Beaten Path

For the kids who don’t care for popular classes and search for out of the box skills can go for:

  1. Anime Drawings - this is a Japanese form of drawing called Manga.
  2. Soap Making- It encompasses art, aesthetics, and chemistry.
  3. Learning the age-old but less popular crafts like jewelry making, knitting, crocheting, and woodworking.
  4. The Science Of Well Being- Provided by the University of Yale. This is a course on how to be happy and build productive habits.
  5. The Art of Ceramics- This course initiates kids to learn the art of pottery. They will learn to prepare clay, shape it on a wheel and glaze the pot/mug to perfection. 

Summing Up

Summer vacation is synonymous with fun and entertainment. It is of utmost importance to make the kids engaged in entertaining activities and online courses because if they are not busy creatively, they will get busy destructively. True is the saying, “Idle hands are devil’s playthings”.

There are tons of crazy cool online courses kids can take to Learn With Fun. The beauty of these courses is that kids can be kept entertained and also learn new things in a safe and comfortable environment at home. 


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