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Recent trends show that online coding has emerged as a popular subject for learning. In this digital day and age, a person who is well-versed with coding is at an advantage than those who do not know how to code. As we see a significant rise in digitization of almost everything, coding is an art that has to be mastered by those who wish to make a career in this field. The craze for coding has seen an uproar in the past few years and it can be safe to say that it is not dying anytime soon. However, the question remains, what exactly is Coding? So, without going into technicalities, a simple perusal of the same states that coding is what makes it possible for programmers to create apps, computer software and websites. Everything that is displayed on our computers is made with code- our browser, OS, the applications on our phone, social media, etc.

So how does coding work? Coding is a command language which tells the computer what to do. Although this may appear like a pretty simple concept, in practice, it is not so. It is an intricate and complicated process which takes months to learn because of the numerous commands that the programmer has to grasp and conceptualize before actually starting to code. A computer can only learn two types of commands: on and off. These two switches are known as transistors. Out of everything a computer may be able to do, in order to achieve that, a unique combination of on/off transistors is used. These on and off transistors are accompanied with distinct numbers that make it possible for computers to respond to various types of commands and perform distinct functions.

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This concept is known as binary code, it is a representation of numeric combinations as 1s and 0s, where each numeric digit represents one transistor. This code is grouped into bytes, which are group of 8 digits which represent 8 transistors. Binary code used to be a fairly simple process in times when computers were not so complex like they are now in modern times. Hence, with the rising complexity in modern computers binary code is almost impossible to comprehend, in order to write a computer program by typing out billion combinations of 1s and 0s it would require superhuman power. Therefore, it becomes essential for budding coders to learn the language of programming.

When put simply, a programming (or coding) language is a set of syntax rules that define how code should be written and formulated. There are thousands of programming languages available that make it possible for coders to create computer software, websites, or apps. For example: To make a program, coders write a simple in a plain text editor (as in Notepad) and they save the file to the computer. Like: the line of code as given below can be the contents of a program in Python called

Print ‘Hello World!’

There is a reason as to why Coding has become all the rage in recent times. Learning how to code enables a person to do all sorts of things that he/she normally wouldn’t be able to do. Learning coding is a stepping stone for those who wish to establish their own technology business. Here are a few achievements that are synonymous with your success after learning how to code:-

1) A surefire career in coding:- It is a flexible career and may prove to be a refreshing change for those who wish to change their career lane. It is a proven fact, that demand for coders exceeds the supply, so you will have no trouble in finding a job.

2) Starting a business in coding:- When you already know how to code, you can easily setup your business in technology without hiring an extensive team of coders.

3) Make websites:- It is incredible to think that since World Wide Web started in 1991, the web has taken over our lives and has no signs of stopping. Every company, professional, restaurant, etc. has their own website, which is only possible because of coding.

4) Advantage over other professionals:- Even if you do not wish to become a career coder, learning how to code will put you at an advantage with your fellow colleagues as it gives you an edge.

As discussed above, there are many advantages to coding as it is the need of the hour. So, it is necessary that you learn how to code from the very best teachers. There are a variety of tutors available online that can help you reach that expert stage in coding. It is pertinent to get expert help so that there is no stone left unturned while you learn how to code. There are online classes available which can be tailor fit according to the student’s schedule, so whether you are a kid or a teen, you can attend code class after you are done with school.


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