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Children look up to their parents and teachers for the right guidance. As they see their achievements and performance in cheerleaders’ eyes only. Parents and teachers are the best sources of inspiration and motivation for children. Motivation acts as an activator in the process of a child’s learning to accomplish academic, personal, social, and professional goals. Learning is a lifelong process and at every stage of life, motivation is a driving force that helps in achieving as well as maintaining a goal. Every child has his individuality and capability, motivation helps to reflect that unique and valued outcome in the form of excellent performance.

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The following goals help to motivate a child:

  • Diagnose the learning process:

Before creating a learning strategy, it is crucial to find out factors that affect a child’s attitude and readiness to learn and perform. These factors can be:


  • An inappropriate learning environment that lacks tutor-learner interaction.
  • Lack of attention.
  • Poor diet and nutrition.
  • Unrest and anxiety.
  • The adverse atmosphere at home.
  • Non-availability of learning material and resources.

Thus, diagnosing unfavorable learning factors should be the first goal to motivate a child.


  • Creating a learning environment:

Creating a positive physical and mental learning environment increases the attention of students. A clean tidy room with well-arranged books, a study table, and study material inculcate students’ interest in studies. Tutors can create a learning environment in school by using learning aids and tools that promote a meaningful learning experience.


  • Time management:

Time management is a crucial goal that enables students to achieve learning objectives easily. Contribute time according to the difficulty level of the subjects. Many learners struggle with specific subjects which need more time than easier subjects.


Due to less time and lack of attention classroom tutoring is not enough to cater to the learning need of students. Provide your child with the best way of learning a particular subject matter. Switch to online tutoring sites, that offer world’s best subject tutors. They implicate the latest technology to promote a child’s interest and learning experience. Online tutoring sessions result in better learning and prolonged retention of subject matter.


  • Physical and mental activities:

The child’s timetable should include small breaks that rejuvenate them mentally and physically. Physical and mental wellbeing is important for better learning. Make them play outdoor games to gain physical strength. Let them play games like chess, Sudoku, quizzes, etc. that challenge them mentally for brain training. Breaks help students to retain information and to be more productive.


  • Appreciate child’s efforts:

In the beginning, set small learning goals for children, which they can easily attain. Appreciate their efforts by rewarding and awarding them. A few words of admiration can create wonders in a journey of learning. Gradually increase the difficulty level of the goals, and you will find how easily your child will achieve it. It is due to positive motivation in the form of appreciation that drives their interest in learning.


  • Build a competitive environment:

Cheer up your child to beat the competitors in the field. A little peer pressure is significant in bringing out the best in the child. Through competition, students can better learn to deal with challenging tasks. It explores new ways and ideas to learn and excel. Competition makes students compare their strengths and weaknesses with others that cause better learning approaches.


  • Inculcate acceptance to challenges:

Challenges and failures create a negative mindset in students that hinders their learning process. Encourage the students to accept challenges and failures as well. Students grow progressively when they realize that failure is an important experience. In the beginning, failure may be discouraging but later, it makes the child more experienced, refined, and strong.


  • No over parenting:

An optimistic attitude helps students to stay confident and strong in response to any challenge. Pampering and overprotecting make children weak, and they always seek elders' support even in trivial situations. Children feel capable when they solve difficult problems individually. Motivate children to accomplish their learning tasks without any help. Based on learned content give them different problems to solve. In this way, they can learn to implicate their knowledge in practicality.


Top-notched online tutoring platforms help students to accomplish learning to achieve academic goals. They deliver diagnostic and remedial tutoring sessions for concept formation. Regular practice and test sessions enable students to apply their acquired knowledge and understanding.


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