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Every child has their own way of learning and it depends on the teachers how they modify their way of teaching in the kid’s way. Guidance from the teachers is the most important for any student. Scaffolding is a way of teaching that helps the students to develop critical thinking skills and also the ability to learn independently in their way.

‘Scaffolding’ is adopted from the technique of large scaffolds seen on the construction site. The workers work on specific tasks that assist them to understand the task in a better way as well as the new concepts so they could achieve their targets. When seen from the educational perspective, scaffolding is the way in which teachers give the students temporary support to help the students accomplish the tasks. The concept of scaffolding has been incorporated in the education system in the last decade. In scaffolding, the teachers break the concept into chunks and make it easy for the students to learn and understand the concepts. It is the best way to retain the knowledge of students.

Scaffolding is different from differentiation. In differentiation, students receive kinds of frameworks of learning depending upon their needs which means that in this method of teaching, students get differentiated ways for knowledge retention. However, in scaffolding, a whole concept is being broken into small parts so that the students can retain it easily as the complexity has been divided into several small chunks. It delivers traditional education to students in a modern way.

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Benefits Of Scaffolding:

  1. Clear Direction: With the scaffolding theory the whole of complexity is divided into chunks which makes it easy for the students to understand and retain. It also gives them a better glimpse and understanding of necessary steps with the help of new techniques by eliminating the difficulty, anxiety and confusion. The identification of teachers for the scaffolding methods and implementing them in class helps the students a lot.
  2. Clear Expectations: The scaffolding methods lets the students know better about their topic and the expectations of their teachers from the beginning. This makes them focus on studies more and perform well in their studies. It creates a supportive, structured classroom that puts a lot less stress on the students. It helps to eliminate the negative perspectives that students have towards a particular subject or topic that makes them feel unmotivated and stops them from attending the class.
  3. Improved Comprehension: Every student is different and learns in a different manner. This makes some students lack behind than the others. However, with scaffolding technique, students who struggle to switch new topics getaway understand things better and more clearly than before. New topics bring new obstacles and new theories, which decrease the efficiency of a student, but with this method the learning outcome can be increased. This increment in learning outcome helps to create a learning environment for them and supports their innovative thinking and increases their participation in the class as well.
  4. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Scaffolding is a method that needs time to be implemented in the classroom. A teacher needs to understand the basics and techniques before introducing it to the class. With the help of this technique, teachers can connect the already learnt topics to the materials of the next topic. The previously learned topic works as a foundation and building block in learning and understanding the next topic. It also makes the students think about the ways they can utilize the things learnt in previous topics and connect it to the next topic. For example: Students start thinking about how they can implement the methods through which they solved questions in the previous chapter of math and how it can be implemented in the current one or how the cells in biology are related to the next topics.
  5. Creating Higher-Engagement: Student engagement is the most concerning topic and need for a better education but it needs methods that can grab the attention of students and make it easier for them to concentrate and enjoy studying. Scaffolding is one such method that has increased the engagement of students towards studying. Teachers use a variety of ways that connect the studies to the students directly and their class work. Students also get the support of their teachers in the scaffolding techniques that makes them feel more confident and eliminates the negative thoughts and discouragement they felt earlier. It gives the students the confidence to accumulate knowledge that they can use in their next chapter that helps them to keep on track while learning new concepts and topics. With this technique, students feel less frustrated, enjoy learning and are interested in the learning process.
  6. More Positive Classroom: Positive attitude and positive classroom is the key to concentration and in a better learning process. Anxiety and Frustration are the most contributing factors in creating discouragement and spreading negativity in them towards learning. Scaffolding eliminates these two factors that stops the students from moving forward in studies, getting good grades and learning better. The supportive environment created with this technique among students, teachers and peers takes out the points that makes students feel demotivated. It helps the students to bring together positive practices and helps to get improved academic progress along with peer learning and increment in the support of teachers. Students get experience with their teachers and peers on complex topics and are free to fail in the experiment process without worrying that it will affect their grades.
  7. Increased Independence and Momentum: When students are told to perform complex tasks entirely on their own from the start then it makes them feel discouraged and anxious especially when they are not fully acquainted with the topics. With scaffolding they learn in bits and get to understand and retain the topics with full support and guidance that make them more proficient and desire to learn more often about the topics and subject. They start solving the complex problems on their own which makes them feel independent and more confident than before towards the subjects.

Scaffolding puts emotional and personal impacts on the students for positive and better outcomes. It might be a little intensive to be put into practice for teachers who are unaware of the techniques but it is a powerful way to help the students to get a grasp of knowledge about the topics and retain new information with ease. Connecting old ideas with new techniques works as a miracle in uplifting the study system of students for a better future. Adopting scaffolding will play a major role in helping the students to work independently on their own.


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