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7 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Code

Written by Admin


Coding refers to computer programming. It is one of the creative processes where kids create different things with the help of technology. Coding works with codes, where each word or line of code gives the command to the computer to do a specific task. Kids need to learn to code because it is going to help them in the future, not only this but also coding helps children in building communication, creativity, writing, math, and confidence. There are several reasons why coding should be taught to students at an early age. Let us have a glance at the reasons for the same.

  1. It is another language

Language teaches one how to communicate. It is considered to boost logical, verbal, and written skills. It is observed that if a child is not exposed to a certain language at an early age he might not have a hold on the same if taught later. So, it is considered crucial to teach a new language to the students at an early age so that the child has the hold and command of the language as he grows. Coding is different from other languages that are being taught to the kids in kindergarten or early days of school. Coding has a language of its own. Each letter in the alphabet has a formula of 0’s and 1’s that depict it. Code is used to create and solve problems to bring something new and creative to the world, that the world is unaware of.

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  1. Coding helps in promoting creativity

Not only does this help to boost the intelligence of the child but it also fosters creativity in the child. The child builds an exponential habit of thinking out of the box and being creative in all aspects. A child experiments with different codes and ends up making or building something extraordinary and being creative. Even when the child makes a mistake and gives command, that is, uses codes, he is being creative, thus they also learn from their mistakes in this language.

  1. This language helps children with mathematical skills

Coding gives the ability children to deal with abstract concepts of math. Thus, it helps students to make math fun and a creative activity. Coding can help and enable students to improve their results in traditional math classes. Some say that math and coding are somehow deeply connected to the fact that when a student is being taught coding, somehow the teacher is also delivering the concepts of math. Thus, it helps in improving the mathematical skills of the children and is also present in the STEM.

  1. It helps in improving the writing academic performance.

Children who learn and expertise in coding become good at organizing and planning thoughts. Doing this can help children to take command and be great at writing skills that can be built upon as coding skills develop with the passage of time.

  1. It helps the children to build confidence

As children develop the skills and learn to code they also observe and learn the fact that there is not always one single way with which different things and tasks can be done. They learn that there are several ways by which a certain or a specific task can be done. In the digital age, coding can be considered basic literacy in today’s era. So, it is significant to teach students this language, so that they can understand and work with the technology around them.

  1. It acts as a social activity

The students or the children who learn coding become professional or experts at making different tools or applications by giving commands to the computer. The students can flaunt and show off their products or what they have made to their friends and family. They can share how they built their favorite game and thus this will boost their self-confidence and also will enhance and enable other children to learn the same language.

  1. The projects in coding help the students to build resilience

The students will have the confidence and power to solve the problems by themselves and they will also find different ways to solve the problems. With the help of coding, children learn that failure to step to new beginnings and to find something new. For them, failure will act as a stepping stone and not an ending to the situation they are in.

These are the reasons why children should learn coding at an early age. It will help them to polish and groom their existing skills and also will help the students to boost their confidence, develop new skills, and solve problems with new strategies and tactics.


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