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Why You Should Teach Cyber Security to Your Kids?

Written by Admin


We cannot deny the value technology holds in our daily routines and that time and time again it has been proved that human reliance on technology is not going to decline; rather it’s quite the opposite. However, there have been instances where we have seen con men do all sorts of negative and inappropriate acts on the internet. Modes through which they dupe people have been innumerable, be it online transaction fraud, cat-fishing, identity theft etc. But, the most sensitive among these type of despicable acts is the effect they have on children who are still at an impressionable age and get influenced by things easily. Therefore, it has become essential to teach cyber security to kids at an early age.

It is important to teach your kids about cyber security because with easy access to the internet, children who surf the web are prone to be exposed to all kinds of material, some of which may not be suitable for their consumption. So, it should be the moral duty of parents, teachers, etc. to analyze as to what type of things their children or students are consuming during their screen time. Also, cyber security has become an important subject in this day and age because most of the kids attend their classes through online mode due to COVID-19.

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It can be apt to say that, when our kids have cybersecurity, they have a completely secure cyber space. They should not be exposed to inappropriate content which is not suitable for their age group. Kids lack understanding regarding cyber space as it is a fairly new concept for them, so it becomes pertinent to protect them from engaging in and/or viewing unauthorized content. Recent studies show that over three in five children have access to the internet, and that they spend more than 45 hours online per week. As stated above, the internet is not going anywhere and is here to stay for good, so it is essential to have a talk about internet safety, and, thus, we have some cybersecurity tips to get you started:-

  1. Raise awareness about cybersecurity:- Tell your kids about cybersecurity and have a discussion with them as to why it is so essential. You can organize a group discussion with some of your kids’ friends or talk to them one-on-one, whichever works the best for your kids. School-wide campaigns can also be launched for the very same purpose.

  2. Protect your children’s identity:- Kids are very impressionable for their age, so it becomes necessary for their parents to make them understand that their personal details are meant to be kept private and they must not at any cost divulge this information to anybody.

  3. Protect the computer:- This can be achieved by regularly updating security software on your computer. This protects your family against scammers, hackers, and other virus threats that may destroy your computer. It may also happen that your private information may leak, causing serious harm to your family. So, you must extra care when it comes to updating your security software.

  4. Online Activity Monitoring:- When you actively monitor your kid’s online activity, it provides you with an overview as to what your kid is viewing online. This practice is successful in keeping your kid safe. All devices come with a built-in parental control which may be activated at the option of parents. Parental control blocks certain websites, channels, etc. which the parent may deem inappropriate for his/her kids.

  5. Cyberbullying Prevention:- Day in and day out we hear news about kids ending their lives over online bullying. This sad tale can end if kids open up about their experience with their parents or friends. Also, parents must teach their kids to be mindful about what they post online and the consequences that may ensue after their post. Teach your children to be kind and empathetic with other people’s feelings.

  6. ‘Stranger Danger’:- Teach your kids about the threat of stranger danger and how it applies online as well and not only in real life. Make your kids understand that conversations with anonymous or stranger accounts pose a great threat to their well-being and that they must refrain from such interactions.

Moreover, last but not the least, teachers or parents or any elder figure must ensure that they create a safe space for their children. You should let them know that, if anything goes wrong, they can easily approach you and talk to you about it. Be firm about the consequences that would ensue if they indulge in any inappropriate behavior online. However, also keep your kids safety in mind by ensuring them that they can talk to you if anything or anyone is bothering them online and that help is available, if needed.


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