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One-to-one interaction with a tutor enhances the engagement factor of students in study matters. He/she can conceive the concept in a better way that consequently results in better learning and longer retention. Online tutoring has become a trendy way for students of all age groups. Many students have chosen online tutoring as the best and safest way to study during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, they find it very efficient due to its accessibility, affordability, and convenience. Vnaya is one of the top leading online tutoring platforms that enables learners to score top-tier grades. Here are reasons why you should choose Vnaya for online tutoring:

  • Great convenience

Vnaya offers tremendous amount of convenience to choose time and schedule as per your preference. You can learn from the comfort of your couch anytime with experts. With a free mind, you can learn better and develop a deep understanding of subject matter without distractions.

  • Best tutors

All the tutors in Vnaya are highly qualified and brilliant. They are hired through a tough test procedure and hence, they provide expert knowledge in their respective subjects. They are trained to implement the latest technology and methodology to trigger all senses of students during the teaching-learning process. The tutors at Vnaya are available 24*6. They are very interactive so that students feel free to ask questions.

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  • Personalized learning

At Vnaya, tutors understand the importance of individual differences. Our experts allow children to move at their own pace. Students might want to spend more time on one topic and they can jump to another topic in case of another. Tutors develop an understanding of students’ cognitive and Affective domains so that they can tailor the subject for the personalized experience and better understanding of students.

  • Assessment and feedback

Tutors intensively monitor the progress of every student through several tests, practice material, and responses. After that, they provide feedback until effective and complete learning takes place. At Vnaya, tech-savvy tutors implement innovative and different ways to impart knowledge, so that students develop a better understanding.

Vnaya offers a highly accomplished platform for learning. They customize sessions as per the need, capability, and strength of the students. Regular assessment and evaluation provide accurate information of student’s progress. Tutors integrate technology and techniques for an improved methodology that enables students to score higher grades. Vnaya provides an outstanding and unique personalized solution that is designed to fit student’s need.


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