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What is Vedic Mathematics and How it is Important?

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Vedic mathematics is an ancient system of calculation. Vedas (Indian religious text) are sources of organized techniques and methods used to do mathematical calculations efficiently.

Vedas are the essence of knowledge. This encompasses learning from basic to a supreme level of conscience and consciousness. Vedas are collection of four spiritual literature - Rig Veda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda.

Vedic mathematics is a simplified and systematized method to solve mathematical problems in a much faster time. It helps in drawing out wise and intelligent solutions to simple as well as complex problems. With Vedic mathematics, students do not need to memorize difficult concepts. They need to apply a straightforward and easier approach inconsistent way.

Factors affecting Mathematics learning

Mathematics is a primary subject of the global curriculum. Its significance and applications are vast in academic, the scientific field, and real life. Many students develop fear and anxiety while dealing with this crucial subject. They struggle hard to perceive mathematics concepts, formulae, and rules. Unfortunately, they lose interest in mathematics and feel stressed out when study mathematics. All these reasons are sufficient to make students bad at math. Following factors affect mathematics learning:

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  • Inappropriate teaching methods:

In classroom learning, the teacher is unable to inculcate several methods of teaching. This is because of the availability of limited time for teaching a greater number of students. Due to individual differences, every student needs a different approach to perceive the subject matter. However, in classroom learning, it is impossible to serve individual differences properly. As a result, students do not get the appropriate concept and loss confidence in mathematics.

  • Frequent mistakes: 

Self-doubt surrounds the students when they make frequent mistakes in mathematics. It also leads to a lack of connection between them and mathematics. They treat the subject as something terrifying and impossible to win. This anxiety and fear hinder students to focus on the concept.

  • Confusion due to signs and symbols:

Mathematics is a subject that involves signs, symbols, assumptions, substitutions, and numbers. It becomes tedious for students to memorize these symbols, signs, values, and formulas. As a result, they cannot apply them correctly while solving problems. Consequently, they develop mathematics phobia.

Importance of Vedic Mathematics or How to eliminate factors affecting Mathematics learning

It is essential to understand the mind of students and individual differences while imparting education. Once the students understand the mathematical concepts, they become able to apply these concepts and techniques to similar problems. With a clear mind, they think systematically and in a well-organized way. This is possible when they receive information or instructions in a systematic and highly organized way. Vedic Mathematics is the solution to all the difficulties that hinder mathematics learning.

  • A systematic and consistent way:

Vedic mathematics has a strong scientific and mathematics base due to its ancient origin. Such a solid and conceivable base in mathematics makes it easier to learn and practice. Simpler mathematics sutras (formulae) develop student’s interest in mathematics. They enjoy solving arithmetic problems on their own using these easier techniques.

  • Easier to understand and practice:

Sixteen sutras (formulae) are the basis of Vedic math. These are basic methods and rules to apply to different mathematics problems. These techniques and sutras are easier to learn, understand and implicate. Students do not feel burden while learning these easy-to-grasp techniques for solving problems.

  • Encouraging way to learn and practice mathematics:

Vedic mathematics as stated earlier is a systematic and interconnected way. The human brain is naturally adapted to link things together and think systematically. So, these techniques provide a step-wise-step approach to conceptualizing mathematics. Hence, Vedic sutras accelerate mathematics learning and practicing. Learning through Vedic mathematics make students confident in effortlessly dealing with difficult mathematics problem.

  • Coherence and unification:

Sub-sutras are parts of sutras, these deal with different fields of mathematics. Vedic sutras are interrelated and trigger the cognitive domain of learners. These sutras are uncomplicated to understand and implicate, as these work in coherence and in a unified way. Students can apply these sutras and techniques to solve complicated math problems in few stems. An accessible and clear-cut approach encourages students and boosts their confidence in mathematics.

In this way, Vedic mathematics helps students to get rid of mathematics phobia. Students can efficiently solve mathematics problems like multiplication, division, square, cube, square root, cube root, auxiliary fractions, equations, and trigonometry. Vedic Mathematics has been rediscovered as the miraculous application of Vedic techniques and sutras to find quick and appropriate solutions.

Vnaya is one of the top leading online tutoring websites, that delivers quality education with one-on-one learning experience from the world’s best subject experts. They are dedicated to transforming the educations system by inculcating Vedic math so that students can solve math problems quickly and confidently without developing subject phobia.


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