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In the new world of standardized testing, understanding what’s the "right" score is critical. The SSAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is an admission test to eight private and seven public high schools across New York State. These scores impact student admissions decisions so it's important to understand what a good SSAT score is. While there is no perfect answer as to how high your score should be, here are some guidelines:

The average SAT/ACT Verbal Reasoning scores range from 500-540 with 153-197 words written per minute and 2 minutes remaining for 90% of students. The average SAT/ACT Math Reasoning scores range from 500-600 with 150-181 math problems solved correctly and 3 minutes remaining for 65% of students. The average SSAT Reading scores range from 500-550 with 125-150 words read per minute and 2 minutes remaining for 64% of students. The average SSAT Writing scores range from 520-580 with 100-120 words written per minute and 3 minutes remaining for 30% of students.

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SSAT averages are not generally considered to be bad, acceptable, good, or great. It’s expected that you will do much better than the average and it's not uncommon to have a student perform above the national median.

Several students appearing for this exam look for the ways by which they can improve this score.

How can SSAt score be improved?

There are a number of ways you can improve your SSAT score. The best way is to improve your vocabulary, writing skills, reading comprehension, and critical reading skills. A good way to do this is to study for the test and read material that will help you reach your goals. We have a great deal of educational material that can help you get the most out of your studies so don’t hesitate to ask for assistance with any textbook or reading assignment that you might have.


SSAT Study Tips:


  1. Read each question carefully. Don’t guess. Find a friend to read it with you unless you feel you need the time to yourself. This will help you avoid any potential mistakes that could cause your score to drop or even worse, fail the exam entirely.
  2. Take your time in reading the comprehension questions and make sure you understand all of the material before moving on to the next question. Don’t rush through these questions! The SSAT is a timed test and rushing can cause you to lose precious seconds that will decrease your score.

  3. Practice and practice. Most students have a hard time getting comfortable with the test format so the best way to overcome this is to practice every day with friends, family, and classmates. Practice is important and it’s likely that you will not see as high of a score as you would like the first time you take this test.

  4. Be prepared for any type of question on the SSAT: vocabulary, grammar, science, or math questions. Don’t panic! If you don’t know how to solve a particular type of question it is okay to skip it since it can only hurt your score if you're unsure of how to answer the question correctly.

Why is SSAT important?

The SSAT provides a benchmark score that helps identify the strongest candidates for the independent schools of New York. The SSAT is not a test of intelligence, but rather it measures analytical and reasoning skills. It's also important to keep in mind that the SSAT is not an exam where you can simply memorize facts and solve questions. This exam requires critical thinking skills so you must be prepared in order to get the highest scores possible.

Once you get your score, don’t panic if it does not meet your expectations. This is a pass/fail test and there are many private schools that use the SSAT as their only form of admission. Fear not! As long as you have a score that is above the average, you should be able to get into the school of your choice.

How can I find out my SSAT scores?

SSAT scores are mailed out in January to all students who took the exam in November or December. However, if you register for the exam in September or October, your score will be mailed out right away.


Why is it important to appear for SSAT?


The SSAT is an important academic tool that helps students and parents gauge where their child is in terms of academics. It is easy to see how a student performed on a test, but it is difficult to decipher how that score translates into the real world since it is not always clear what level of testing is being measured.

How can I prepare for SSAT?

No one prepares you perfectly for the SSAT, especially if this is your first time taking the exam. There are many factors that will affect your performance on this exam such as stress, feeling of being unprepared, nerves, or anxiety. These are ordinary and nothing to be worried about.

There are some things that can help you improve your knowledge and skills that will help you get a higher score on the SSAT:


  • Study Strategies: using our SSAT study guides will go a long way to helping you not only get the most out of your studying but also reduce stress as well. We offer a variety of strategies including how to study for the exam, common mistakes students make that can result in lower scores, as well as helpful tips and tricks.


  • Practice: Don’t stay at home memorizing facts and concepts during free time. Instead, try taking online practice tests that will give you a better understanding of the types of questions that you might encounter on the real exam. This will also help to reduce stress and anxiety.


  • Self-discipline: You can get a lot out of self-discipline when it comes to preparing for the SSAT as it helps you stay focused while also reducing stress. If your child is not naturally self-disciplined, then this is something you should focus on as early as possible so they are prepared for the SSAT as well as other challenging exams in life. Start small and gradually increase self-discipline activities for your child over time.


  • Taking practice tests and improving self-discipline are the biggest ways to prepare kids for the SSAT. At times, we focus too much on the material that we forget to help our kids develop their critical thinking skills, which is crucial for standardized testing.

This is all that you need to know about SSAT. you can make use of the above tips to score better grades in your exam.


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