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What High School Students Need To Know About Covid 19

Written by Admin


With so many portals providing information on the novel coronavirus, there are several myths going around about it and it becomes hard for people and especially students which one to trust and which information to discard. The coverage of the media has caused widespread panic and fear among people about the virus. So for the high school students who are feeling overwhelmed with too much information on the various portals, here is everything that you need to know about coronavirus. 

All that you need to know about COVID-19

First and foremost, we shall proceed with a deep understanding of what is this virus? According to the world health organization, i.e. WHO, the coronavirus is a family of viruses ranging from the common cold to more severe illnesses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) which originated in China in the year 2002. This virus is considered and known to transfer between people and animals. 

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The novel coronavirus also referred to as COVID-19 is known to be a new strand of coronavirus found in animals and humans. This virus causes respiratory illness. The new strand of the virus was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Before this, it was not previously identified in humans. Today this virus is declared as a public emergency health emergency of international concerns. This is what you need to know about the corona virus. Now, there are certain symptoms of the virus that cannot be neglected. Let us have a look at these symptoms. 

What are the symptoms of the virus?

The virus is known to cause fever, cough and also the patient might find trouble breathing. The list of symptoms is as follows-

  • There can be symptoms of cold such as sore throat, congestion, or a runny nose.
  • The patient might have chills.
  • There can be muscle pain.
  • The patient might have a headache.
  • There are chances for the loss of taste and smell.
  • There are chances of the patient to feel nausea or vomiting.
  • The patient might feel diarrhea.
  • There can be symptoms of tiredness. 


These are the common symptoms that should not be neglected at any cost. If these symptoms are left untreated or are neglected, there are chances that these symptoms could progress into severe pneumonia, kidney failure, and breathing difficulties. 

The issue is that the common flu and COVID-19 share several symptoms in common, so it becomes hard to distinguish between the two until the test is done. Thus, it is mandatory for you to take your symptoms seriously and treat them before these symptoms turn into life-threatening issues or diseases. Several students must have this question, who is affected by this. Now let us have a look at who all are affected by this flue.

Who does it affect?

Anyone can catch the virus. But the more severe symptoms have been found most frequently in people with pre-existing weakened immune systems, older people, and those who have existing diseases like diabetes, cancer, blood pressure issues, chronic lung disease, or infection. Well, these people need to be strict, not just these but all of us should follow the decorum and the protocols in order to keep away from the virus. There are ways by which we can protect against COVID-19. Let us have a look at the same.

How can we protect ourselves against the virus?

The virus is considered to pass through droplets when an infected person sneezes or breathes. The best way to avoid this virus is to keep your faces i.e. mouths covered with a layered mask and also by washing your hands frequently than ever before. Not only this, but you can also follow the protocol of social distancing from people so that you keep away from people in order to keep away from the virus. You should make it a point to get out of the house only when there is an emergency or an urgent situation otherwise you can stay back at your home. By doing this and following the protocols you will not only save yourself from the virus but also you will add it to the well-being of the nation. 

As a student, you must be wondering about the safety measures that the school and teachers ought to be making use of in order to stay ahead and safe from the virus. Let us have a look at their measures.

What safety measures are schools and teachers using?

Safety precautions used at several schools include the following-

  1. Cleaning and disinfecting

Schools and learning institutions should follow advice from centers for disease control and prevention for cleaning and disinfecting the areas of the school. Surfaces that happen to be used and get touched a lot such as bathroom knobs and handles, keyboards and doorknobs should be cleaned on a frequent basis, it is suggested to clean them daily so as to maintain and follow the protocol and keep away from the virus. 

  1. Health screenings and monitoring

Schools should follow a decorum of checking the students for the symptoms of coronavirus every day as they enter the school premises. This can include checking the temperature and other symptoms. If someone gets sick, there should be a proper system of isolation. The students, teachers, and the staff should be asked to stay home if they are sick. Also, they should avoid going out or to the school if they have been in contact with someone who was COVID positive. 

  1. Face covering should be mandatory

Everyone should be asked to cover their faces either with a mask or cloth. This can prevent the spread of viruses and can save people from getting the virus from others. 

  1. Hand washing

The students and the staff should be asked to wash their hands on a frequent basis. Also, they can make use of hand sanitizer. 

  1. Social distancing

The adults and the students should remain 6 feet apart from one another no matter what. Social distancing i.e. referred to as physical distancing is mandatory when it comes to stopping the virus from spreading. 

  1. Class or group size

Schools and other institutes can limit the size of the class. They can place students in a staggered schedule, or prefer online learning. 

These are the protocols that the schools and other learning institutions can take in order to stop the virus from spreading among people. You must be wondering if there is anything else that you need to know. Well yes, you need to know that viruses are always changing, and that can cause a new variant, or strain, of a virus to form. A variant does not affect the way a virus works but sometimes it makes it act in a different way. 

Thus, this is all you need to know about Covid-19. Make sure that you learn the right things about the virus and make people aware of the same with your knowledge. 


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