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Parenting(Age 5 to 8) | 4 year AGO

tricks for better computer programming

Written by Admin


Computer programming has proved itself to be a creative activity in which kids experience a renewed sense of accomplishment. When introduced to coding, you might see your child enjoying their own creativity or playing around with the newly learnt knowledge. To learn coding, one need not be good at Math, as it might generally believe to be so. The question that arises in our mind is “which is the best computer programming for our kids?” Let’s try to get to the root of this question and observe it vividly.

Knowing that coding is the new skill doing rounds at this point in the 21st century, our first and foremost derivative is to introduce our kids to it. We should work around it with an aim to inculcate global standards in learning by incorporating widely accepted approach to develop this skill. This alone shall be the best way to enable children to develop genuine interest to learn this new skill. The new generation need to realize their creative potential and be a part of this rapidly growing and ever progressive technological world.

Note the interest of your kid!

To unveil the bent of mind regarding what your child wants to learn, introduce them to different kinds of toys and puzzles which have a coding and problem-solving streak to them. Gradually you can introduce them into learning some growing number of programming languages designed for kids like MIT scratch, Javascript, Java, Lua, Python etc. All of these programs aim at introducing kids to the world of coding in a simplified and relatable manner.

Identify how your child learns!

As a parent even if you haven’t written a line of code ever yourself, you can still instil your child’s interest in computing. Learning things visually is said to be the most powerful way. Try gifting your kids with toys, games that would show them the world of coding. There are innumerable options and activities in programming that you can help your kids engage with.  Processing algorithms may interest few young learners, but many are bound to enjoy music programming, creating games, website designing, and playing around with codes. Irrespective of the age group, beginners can learn how to code from various resources available as well as a wide variance of facilitators.  A professional qualification is not mandatory to learn coding. Studies show that kids are fast learner than adults and the possible reason may be that children are unaware of perceptions as to how hard coding might be. The best way to develop a coding skill is through practice. Allow students to find their own way. Let them do the clicking if the need to use a mouse arises. Allow them to type when a code needs typing. It would be faster if the parent helped, but the students need to practice so they can learn.

Apart from games and toys there are coding books to guide kids through projects where they can build spaceships, navigate characters using Scratch’s drag n’ drop interface, which might be a natural interest for young minds. Help the child to lighten up to the world of computer interface, hardware and the internet through stories as well as experiential learnings.  

Also read: Why Your Child Must Learn to Programme?

As programming is a hands-on skill that requires practice more than just reading books, interactive online tutorials can prove to be a great help. Expose your child to various coding activities and let your kids find their own passion. Once your child spots what the programming world has to offer, they'll be excited to explore the parts they like.

There are lots of online resources available, tricks and tips and through explanation for you to learn and help your child. It has been proved that competence at programming is not innate but is rather an acquired skill set that can be learnt and improved through practice. One-on-one tutoring is the ideal form of teaching, as all of a teacher's attention can be focused on one student, and they can completely customise their teaching for that person and receive individual feedback and corrections based on a two-way interaction.

Working with kids and teaching them to code is the thing as kids are fast at absorbing information, and they tend to be familiar with technology from an early age. We are not surprised to see children who can operate smart phones better than adults. To learn coding is not only fun for children and their parents, but it also teaches them communication, problem-solving, and creative skills. And, who knows? Probably one day the child might take the world by sweep by becoming a great professional in the same stream!

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