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The Importance of Technology in Early Education

Written by Admin


Preschoolers are the “Digital Natives ” of today’s world. They have been and are being raised in an environment with technology. Hence, they get familiar with it from their early age. Hand a young child a smartphone, and they can themselves scroll through the videos on youtube, or easily find something they want to see. Ironically enough, these children can teach adults about the usage of technology in no time.

When technology is being introduced in schools, parents are concerned about the technological exposure that the children are getting at home. So, why is there a need to give them technological exposure at schools? Technology is used in focused and specified ways that would help students to achieve early childhood learning and education goals.

Implementing the technology with the traditional ways of teaching and activities such as outdoor plays and tactile learning gives them more opportunities and abilities to engage, communicate and explore, irrespective of their age.

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There are several key benefits of technology in early education for children that help them to build community by enhancing their communication skills. It also helps them to expand their imagination and promote creativity in their mind. Here are some of the benefits of technology in early education of children:

  • Builds Community: Students accessing the technology to any extent might have no impact on the social developments. Simultaneously, accessing technology at an early age cultivates more collaborative opportunities and learning environments for the students. These environments help the students in enriching their interaction with their peers.

The teachers should have an understanding of time when it is important to introduce the students to technology in their early learner’s routine. They should introduce it when the time is right to avoid any negative outcomes of high media exposure.

Teachers should introduce the technology to the students where they get to participate in the experience actively, learning to strengthen their connection with their family and peers and assist them with the information they share or get from the technological advancement.

  • Develop Math And Literacy Skills: An interactive software solution works as a creative engagement and customizable solution for the education of children. These solutions help in the math and literacy skills of children by nurturing the learning development of early learners. This software should be easy for them to understand and work with.

This software is a whole bag of in-built, ready-made tools that can be customized with educational content for the ease of students. This software accelerates the learning skills of math and literacy in students with real-time and collaborative connections with the content. It makes it easy for the teachers to ascertain the mistakes of students and respond to them in no time.

  • Build Core Competencies: Core competencies are important to create a unique version of yourself. Young children need to develop their core competencies in both computers and technology. According to the International Society For Technology In Education (ISTE), these core competencies that is the basic technological operation should be achieved by the age of five. It is, therefore, important and necessary to start teaching technology in early education. With the help of a writing tool or content manipulation on the screen with the touch of fingers, children can learn the fine monitoring and eye-coordinating skills associated with early digital education.
  • Expand Imagination: Early schooling is all about exploring and discovering imaginative play. With the help of interactive classrooms, the elements of the galaxy become alive with different sounds, colors, images, and videos. This helps the students to take control of their learning and explore their horizons by expanding their imaginations, instead of depending upon the teachers to scroll the screen or reading it aloud.
  • Fostering Engagement: A daily routine from an early age is important for children. With the help of interactive technology, students can set-up their routine that is adaptable and fits with their early age education. Technology helps to build a creative and focused environment for students despite the interruption of classrooms. It provides a supportive environment with the help of which students get read- aloud time, personalized learning centers, monitoring meetings, and many more.


The world in which today’s children are growing is vastly different from what their parents experienced. Early learners need to have access to interactive technology. In this expanding generation, keeping them deprived of technology will take them back in time and miss out on the benefits of technology. They will learn things that are not conducive to their future endeavors. Exploring technology from an early age opens the door of opportunities for them in the future.


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