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Reading is an essential activity integrated in lives of many people. Some people read for fun and gain some insight, some (students) have to read as it is a part of their essential learning and education and other read out of a plain habit alike to the food for the soul and fodder for the mind!

The field of literature is a vast ocean which is unfathomable. On the surface of it, this might look like a very basic activity but once you peek behind the curtains, it’s mind-boggling to see the genres, sub-genres, and theme-based text. Reading as an activity has been around for an extensive time and it serves as a medium to understand a particular era, time and period.

The writers of previous centuries captured the lifestyle of that time by putting pen to paper. As much as fun and interactive it is to read such texts, it is not easy for everyone to translate everything into modern-day vocabulary. If you aim to read the text just for the sake of answering follow-up questions, it can be easy but if you wish to genuinely understand the text then it’s altogether a different story.

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To match your reading efficiency to that of a qualified professor, you need to work on and develop certain traits in yourself. One such quality is, paying attention to detail. Reading a text is not only about skimming it and finding the keywords rather it is more about understanding the intentions of the writers. This activity is often referred to as, reading between the lines. It means even to read and understand that is not written on the paper but capturing the essence of the written matter.

While reading any literature, it is imperative that you stay focused and interested in the text if you wish to capture the real magic of writing by the author. Initially, it can be a little difficult to maintain consistency, especially when you are starting anew or refreshing after a gap. But don’t worry, with patience and perseverance it can be achieved.

If you truly wish to wake up the literary professor inside of you when it comes to reading, never go by the reviews or conclusions drawn by others of a specific book alone. Start a book with a neutral frame of mind and be flexible enough to chart out your own opinions about the characters, story-line, theme, etc. Following another individual’s opinion will never let you unlock your true reading potential. Build a story of your own from the story and enjoy the process of what appeals and what scores the best with you.

We have seen that professors, who are associated with literature in any way, shape, or form tend to have a huge arsenal of words at their disposal. But along with words what is important is the intent, content and the idea too. Vocabulary enhancement will then be a byproduct which will essentially be achieved effortlessly!

All of this might appear like an onerous exercise but if you decide to connect with a well-qualified and trained online tutor it becomes more directed and focused towards achieving the desired goal. It can only be imagined what your hard work and a targeted professional guidance by an online tutor can do for you. Getting personal guidance in online sessions and clarifying your doubt on the spot will orient you in the right direction and will serve as a great impetus for  and developing your literary abilities.


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