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While your kids are at home, you would definitely not want them to get distant from their studies, especially from a crucial subject like science. More often kids consider science to be a burden undermining the mysteries it solves and interesting logics it has to offer. While the kids would be at home, they will use numerous ways to avoid science and will stay distracted whether it is through video games or through the television. But you don’t have to let that happen.

Kids would genuinely get interested in studies when they feel it is engaging all the way. The question is, how will you do that? Worry not; as there are a number of ways you can engage kids in science, making it their to go to subject; So here are few tips you can make use of to make science fun for kids at home!

  1. Home-based experiments are always effective

While kids are at home, don’t make them miss the exciting science experiments. You can actually do some of the amazing and interesting experiments at your home that your kids will enjoy a lot. Whether it is about making quicksand with corn starch or to build a little electromagnet, there are many things that you can be done with kids at home. In fact, you can make them watch some home-based experiment videos that could interest them a lot and will motivate them to make efforts on their own to do some creative science at home. Hence, they will be able to enhance their learning.

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  1. Explore the backyard

In order to make science interesting for kids, you have to make best attempts to actually make them familiar with science. Science is a never-ending learning process and you can start by making your kids aware of varied applications of the same. Ask your kids to explore the backyard and study different kinds of plants available there. You can help them by telling the names of different plants and their uses or benefits. In order to make this more interesting, you can also engage your kids to make a scrapbook by collecting and pasting different varieties of leaves. This will not only get your kids attracted to the flora of nature but would also make them interested to keep looking for more and more different varieties of plants so that they can add a new leaf to their collection every time they go out.

  1. Watching the night sky

For most kids, learning about the universe and galaxy makes them quite curious. To make this more interesting for them and to make them aware of different aspects of the galaxy, you can try having a session of study in the backyard under the night sky. It doesn’t have to be an organized and formally planned study session, but just a night of stargazing when you can try on pointing at some celestial objects and make your kids discover the beauty of the universe. Try pointing out at some popular constellations in the sky and let your kids find them. You can also conduct a little session to observe the moon changing its shape every day. In fact, there are some planets which are even visible to the naked eye; you can try to find those too. To make it more interesting, you can even pick on having a telescope in your home that will keep your kids interested in studying more about the stars and the solar system.

  1. Bird watching

Nature has got a lot to explore and learn. Nature has been our greatest teacher and can help our kids to explore and learn organically. Science could be made fun by involving the kids to delve into observing these mystical flying living organisms and their world. We can begin with learning about different kind of birds in an area. Motivate your kids to step out in the backyard and spend sometime bird watching. They can even click few pictures if they want. This is how kids can naturally learn about various kind of birds around. This might interest your kids into discovering more about birds that would make them study of birds with an experiential learning. Bird watching is not just a practice to come closer to nature but can also be nurtured as a great hobby or a career too.

  1. Reading biographies

Although some kids consider reading to be a boring activity you can spice it up by making your kids aware of the popular people who are responsible for different inventions, even for the invention of things that they are using in today’s time. Whether your kids are watching T.V or just scrolling through internet, ask them some questions that would gain their interest, like who invented television or the computer? This might interest your kids a bit and this is where you can work on telling them the stories on the biographies of some really popular personalities responsible for some great inventions of all time.

  1. Share at least one interesting fact with your kids daily

There are a lot of facts related to science that your kids don’t know. Keep them connected to the studies by sharing at least one fact with them each day. To make it more fun, you can ask questions just like a hunt and your kids have to search the relevant answers for each question. Also, to make sure that the kids stay connected with this learning process, you can even add a small reward for them that might make them try harder for finding the answer. 

Just because your kids are at home doesn’t mean they have to skip learning about new things and enhance their knowledge. Being confined to your home should not be a reason big enough for causing any kind of intermission to their regular study routine.  Although there could be a lot of distractions at the home but you have to find your own way to keep your kids connected to learning. With all the above-mentioned tips, you can make science fun for your kids and facilitate them to keep advancing in the pursuit of their knowledge acquisition!


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