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Hybrid School the New Future of Education!!!

Written by Admin


Homeschooling a social movement which emerged in the 70’s and is a way to educate children in an environment other than school. Educational reformists, being dissatisfied with the industrialized education system sought for the revival of home schooling method which was much prevalent in ancient times. Many countries have recognized home schooling as a great and recognised alternative to private and public schooling.

In recent times homeschooling is no longer an uncommon option. As per 2012 statistics available an estimated 1.8 million children were homeschooled, this formulates 3.4 percent of the total student population, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). A steady increase in the number of homeschooled children is witnessed every year as it enables the parents to select a curriculum that matches with their child’s learning capacity and pace.

Many also find homeschooling a cost burden associated with absolutely a self-driven project with the onus entirely on one self, it comes with larger obligations like inabilities to teach at the parents end or that one is unable to devote plus manage the desired time. Homeschooling, if not imbued with a mix of co-curricular, also prevents children from socializing, learning basic life skills like sharing, being cooperative and showing tolerance towards new people also becomes a challenge….

Keeping in mind the shortcomings of homeschooling, a new trend in educating the child has recently been coined, called- “hybrid schooling”.

The hybrid schooling option for education is fascinating and can be a great experience for all ages. It is a way of delivering education where students get a mix of traditional school attendance along with home instructions. A sound balance between formal school and stay at home experiences and learnings.

The present educational model available to students and parents proved to be insufficient and not quite in tandem with the evolving requirement of the present day, which gave rise to hybrid model where students get the opportunity of experiencing both classroom learning as well as personalized learning through online resources or dedicated face to face assistance.  It is popularly called the “blended learning”, where schools as a teacher-facilitated online school provides students to interact with a teacher, and allow them more room to work independently.

Hybrid schooling away from a traditional classroom setting:

As the term Hybrid schooling refers to “blended learning” students get an opportunity to have a combination of both traditional school attendances with home instructions. In such a model of education system the students have the liberty to attend classes for 2-3 days a week, school decides the curriculum, teachers provide primary instructions and parents are highly involved in the academic growth of their kids. In other words, it is a customized learning opportunity for a child so their unique requirement, interests, learning styles and individual personality can be catered to stitched together to bring out a well-balanced social and academic upbringing without being singularly treated as a mob.

We can consider it as the fastest-growing form of education followed around many countries. It is an innovative way of experiential learning, which is fervently growing all around the world in countries like Australia, Canada, France, Hungary, Japan, Kenya, Russia, Mexico, South Korea, Thailand, and the United Kingdom.

Those families or communities engaged in home-based education do not dependent on public, tax-funded resources for their children’s education, rather understand the importance of bringing up every child uniquely. Hybrid schooling and Homeschooling are quickly growing in popularity among minorities of the world as well due to variety of reasons.

Reasons to take up Hybrid schooling:

A general trend has been noticed when parents along with the kids decide to go in for hybrid or homeschooling, it puts forward a customized or individualized curriculum and learning environment, and enhances relationship between children and parents and also amongst siblings.  This ensures safer environments for children against extreme unwanted physical, mental experiences that they might face in schools or groups where everyone is treated alike.  

Research has also shown that home educated learners score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school pupils on standardized academic achievement tests. They do well above average on measures of social, emotional, and psychological development. These students by doing home schooling regularly engage themselves in social and educational activities outside their homes and with people other than their nuclear-family members. They can spend more time in activities such as field trips, scouting, political drives, sports teams, and community volunteer work etc. which also is a part of many schools but may be numbered in a session. Studies show that adults who were home educated are found to be politically more tolerant than the public schooled.

Hence, discontentment with the existing educational system which treats all alike, are more of a commercial hub rather than committing themselves to the vision of empowering the youth, makes parents feel that typical schools may end up destroying critical thinking among pupils. In this postmodern era, great value is given on personal empowerment, individual freedom, uninhibited expression, acceptance and respect towards diversity and alternative lifestyles. Like any other movement Hybrid education model works towards respecting the individual dignity and personal development at a deeper level.

Challenges of Hybrid schooling:

Hybrid schooling or blended learning may be highly technologically dependent in order to achieve the desired resultant.  The objective of the blended learning cannot be achieved if there are technical issues and inadequate technical accessibility or if there are constrained minds to accept the changed ways. To achieve maximum learning objectives, one needs to incorporate the technological and physical relevant aspects wisely in the learning content. This learning strategy has now given rise to numerous kinds of learning platforms globally which is widely made use of.

It is ultimately the parents who know their children the best, love them and are more thoughtful than anyone else for their brilliant advancement. The success of the child is of the greatest interest to a parent; hence their innovative ways can play an instrumental role in the child’s forthcoming life and therefore education plays an inevitable part to enable them imbibing new things and make it a natural way for them. Keeping this in mind parents must be equipped with the tools, skills; support and infrastructure necessary to raise their wise children prepare them to be ready to face the modern world with ever evolving demands. E learning can come handy at this time.

There are various e- learning platforms where they can seek support to train their kids. Of the many e- learning options available, Vnaya is one such website where students enjoy dedicated interactive learning sessions. Here students are given personal attention and care as it promotes one to one tutoring guided by trained professionals based on learning style methodology- a unique approach developed by experts. Tutors here in association with the parents’, help students develop new skills, practice their learning or move on to the next lesson or continue reviewing until a strong understanding of the lesson is achieved. The daily progress of the student is monitored and month end assessments are also conducted.  A month end report card is uploaded for the review of the parents and students.

Learning becomes interesting and enjoyable for new learners and knowledge gets imparted in a fun filled environment. Children feel genuinely motivated and inspired to attend sessions. Tutors’ and learning leaders are available 24x7 and can be booked as per the convenience of the student. It is clear that this form of learning is likely to grow larger and larger and become imperative for rewiring the current education system with is on a constant spin with the change of time.


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