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In recent times, all of us feel that life has given us one big holiday with no end in sight.With Work From Home being the new normal for the working class, all school and college operations have come to a complete halt. Although online classes have been conducted from the past 2 years for students, lack of physical interaction have left students in a state of confusion, boredom and overall seasonal depression. The COVID-19 has completely altered the scene of schooling, work and our overall way of simply living our lives. Time passed so quickly from the year 2020 to 2021, that we are staring at Summer 2021 again. Now, all school operations and classes will come to a temporary halt and students will now look forward to enjoying their summer holidays. But as we discussed earlier, with the COVID-19 situation spiraling out of control, all of us have been confined to the walls of our homes and now, students must be thinking that be it holidays or school days all of them feel the same. Moreover, with no online classes to attend, children have a lot of free time on their hands, which if not used correctly may lead to various uncomfortable outcomes. During the holidays, with no school work in sight, it is necessary that we use this down time to rejuvenate and calm our minds. As it is rightly put by various great thinkers of our time ,” A calm mind can tackle even the scariest of waves”. So, we must think of various modes by which we can rejuvenate our minds. It is pertinent to add that where one mode of relaxation may work for one person, the same may not work for another. Modern times have come as a boon for our generation, as now we have a lot of options to choose from. Some may like art, some children may relax by visiting a nature site, others by exercising and so on. There are a wide variety of options to choose from, and they can be customized as per our requirements.

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The aim of a true holiday is to relax and refresh your mind from the daily stresses of your everyday life. So, if you really want to rejuvenate and relax your mind, build up your holidays in such a manner that you feel relaxed at the end of it. Here are a few tips that you can use and maximize the benefits of your vacation:-


  1. Don’t subscribe to others' idea of fun. When you know yourself and what YOU like to do in your downtime, you won’t subscribe to other people’s idea of having fun. If you like to read in your downtime instead of going out, do EXACTLY that. This habit will enable you to stand up for yourself so that you don’t feel drained out at the end of your holidays.

  2. Take a break from technology. Well, all of us can admit, we have become slaves to modern-day technology. Although it certainly has its uses, over-consumption of material can also lead you to miss out on what is going on outside. So, take self-imposed social media breaks so that your mind can focus on other things besides consuming content on social media.

  3. Schedule a vacation. Although COVID-19 has placed many restrictions on travel in these times. But you can easily plan a short vacation to a nearby spot and use this time for recreation. Also, various countries have opened their borders to tourists who have a negative COVID test.  Be safe and travel only if you are physically fit.

  4. Take a walk daily. With the hustle and bustle of our daily life, we seldom make time for our physical being. Use these holidays to incorporate good habits into your daily lifestyle. By taking a walk you become more healthy and the physical activity also helps in rejuvenation of your mind.

  5. Meditate. Another good habit to inculcate. The power of meditation is known to all. It adds to your spiritual well-being and is the most beneficial way of relaxing your mind during holidays and otherwise as well.


With the help of these suggested tips, you can be sure that you will come out of your holidays as a relaxed person. The purpose of having a recreational time is to feed your mind, body and soul with good things so that when you come back to work/school, you are more focused and productive. Lastly, do not forget to have fun, you have one life, do not stress over little things as they will always work out in your favor.


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