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How to Improve Child’s Performance in High School?

Written by Admin


At high school age (14years to 16years), children experience tremendous emotional fluctuations or mood swings. They are growing physically, mentally, and emotionally, and all these factors impact their behavior, thoughts, and mental status. At this stage, they are energetic and emotionally driven, so it is crucial to channelize their energy, ability, and skills. To improve children’s performance at this age, parents and teachers should emphasize developing their emotional intelligence. When they learn to manage their emotions they will grow positively. Eventually, they show interest in acquiring a variety of skills, that will help them to improve their performance incredibly in academics. Here are given effective strategies that motivate children to learn and achieve:


  • Freedom to learn

Every individual is born with innate abilities. Do not limit children’s learning to the classroom only, give them the freedom to explore the world, they will learn better from their experiences and mistakes. Learning valuable life skills like conversation, money management, time management, swimming, repairing appliances and vehicles, cooking, healthcare, self-defense, surviving without convenience, and learning from failure will help children to face real-life challenges.

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  • Learning beyond curriculum

In today’s cybernetic world, learning coding and programming becomes a need of the time. It is in vain to restrict children’s learning to curriculum only. There are abundant online tutoring institutes, where children can learn from the world’s best tutors. They can develop different skills through the personalized learning process. Learning beyond curriculum keeps them tuned to the latest technology and trends.


  • Reading Atmosphere

Reading leads to rich vocabulary and helps to improve communication from concept processing. Children who read well and frequently, experience a better ability to learn the subject matter. Reading time of 30 minutes a day helps children to acquire knowledge and understanding in a better way. There is plenty of reading material (novels, encyclopedias, newspapers, storybooks, articles, and magazines) that parents can introduce in their children’s study room.


  • Introduce different learning styles

Introduce children with different learning styles, so that they can choose the one that suits them. There are different learning styles like reading, writing, listening, watching, storytelling, using the mnemonic devices and audio-visual aids. It is also true that children cannot learn every subject matter from the same learning style. For improved or quality learning, teachers and parents should bring variety in teaching-learning style.


  • Learning focus approach

Focusing on the learning experience eventually improves performance. Parents and teachers should understand the importance of learning and skill development aspects. They should make children understand that learning matters a lot than a test score. A pressurized child can be good at cramming but cannot be an efficient learner. Focusing on children’s learning experience allows them to implicate them, that is a real achievement.


  • Communication is the key

Communication is the most powerful way to understand a child’s need, ability, and proficiency. Healthy communication boosts children’s performance to a greater extent. Any reward system or few lines of appreciation not only build a strong bond but also encourage children to accomplish the toughest tasks. Motivated children deliver incredible results in studies and career lines.


The way you communicate with children influences their expressiveness and understanding. Sharing your experiences and asking questions beyond yes or no responses can create a huge difference in their lives. Let them explore things and experience different aspects of life by exposing the world beyond home and the classroom. Keep them motivated and give them opportunities so that they can perform well.


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