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What is coding?

Coding is a language mode of communicating with a computer; it enables us to develop a language medium so that we can develop an interactive database on the computer. Coding is a process of using a language to provide instructions to a computer in order to perform certain functions. There are various commands and languages that enable a coder to do that exactly. This is how various computer software, websites, apps, etc. are created.

There are many types of code; we can learn any form of code. Depending on the need of your website or software, we can choose the code language and develop an interactive database for the same.

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Need for Coding

With everything becoming digital, the need for learning code has also become important. As this enables us to develop websites, apps,  software, etc. all of which are essential in today’s day to day conducting of business. It enables us to converse with computers and command them to perform various functions.

The need for coding has become evident because almost everyone relies on technology. So, anyone who learns code and becomes an expert will always have an advantage over those who don’t. Many companies are looking for expert coders as these days every company, organization,etc. have become dependent on computers for their daily functioning.

How to encourage your kids to keep Coding?

Every parent wants their child to succeed in the future, schooling as well learning new skills ensure your child succeeds in his life. Surely, schooling cannot be replaced but learning a new skill can be an added benefit which will come in handy when your child grows up. Code and programming are ways by which you can prepare your child for the future, get them ahead at school and also enhance their current learning. But, sometimes it may happen that your child may no longer be interested in learning code, this is reasonable and common. One of the reasons is that code is  a complex language to learn, which often demotivates children, but this can be done away with a bit of practice.

So, here are some tips which can be useful in encouraging your kids to keep coding:-

  1. Get ahead at school:- Coding not only helps you get good at computers, it helps you with your school grades as well. While learning code, children have to be 100% attentive and focused, this practice becomes a habit and later children become more focused at school as well.

  2. Become better at writing:- Learning how to code can also let your child improve their written skills. Kids get used to applying a more concise and structured approach to storytelling and the English language.

  3. Solve problems easily:- While learning how to code, a child will employ many techniques towards a problem and whenever it arises, there will be more than one way to solve a problem. Learning how to choose which technique to follow and apply will enable your child to become great at problem solving. This skill will not only help him/her become better at computer programming, but also at school and work.

  4. Become creative:- Code is such a versatile language it pushes the programmer to test their creative boundaries. One has to get creative in this pursuit as this will set them apart from other coders. When a child learns how to code, he/she not only consumes content online, he/she learns how to create it as well. Yet another skill added to your child’s life, his brain will get used to finding creative solutions for everything.

  5. Positive reinforcement:- Use the method of positive reinforcement in order to encourage your child so that he/she keeps coding. Whenever they learn something new, reward them with ice cream or their favorite food, so that they get the feeling of appreciation and fulfillment from his/her parents. Studies show that parents who use positive feedback with their kids, those kids tend to become more confident and better at life generally.

  6. Coding isn’t only limited to computers:- In modern times, almost every device we use (smart phones, gadgets, etc.) Coding is not only about computers, laptops, tablets or anything else that is digitally powered. It is important for kids to understand that the skill they are learning is worthwhile. They must know that when they write code, they are commanding the machines to perform daily tasks that are now impossible to be performed without them.

In conclusion, we can say that coding can be fun when your kid sticks to it. This is a worthwhile skill as coders are in high demand these days which comes with well-paying jobs and your child can become one of them. There will be no fears for finding your kids a suitable career if they have a coding background. Not only this, with the emergence of Artificial Intelligence and the concerns that it may take over our daily jobs one day, there has not been a more suitable time for your kid to learn coding. The digital market has a rapid growth rate ratio, and you will be glad that you encouraged your kid to stick with coding and because of that he/she didn’t give up.


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