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To be a good parent, one needs to make choices in the chief interest of the child. There are different definitions of good and perfect. To be a good parent, doesn’t mean to be perfect. Successful nurturing is not about gaining perfection.  So, here are some tips on understanding good parenting techniques.

  1. Support, guide, and praise them:

Parents want their children to excel in all the fields and to fulfill this, they unintentionally start to push, demand, and even threaten them with punishment sometimes. Instead, your child needs good guidance and support that will help them achieve success. Also, praising them specifically about some things will cultivate good progressing behavior.

  1. Make wise actions:

Children notice every action of yours. How you handle your failure to how you commemorate your success, all makes an impression on children’s minds. They observe and discover how to respond in different situations.

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  1. Discipline productively:

Discipline is a major factor that is to be taught to children but everything has its limitations set. Over-discipline can lead to a lack of freedom, joy, or happiness. Children easily start comparing themselves with other children of their age and find themselves burdened.

  1. Don’t compare them with other children:

No one likes to be compared with anyone else, especially children. To be a good parent, you should never give examples of other children to your child. You can always share your own childhood experiences and guide them to be on the right path.

  1. Allow them to make mistakes:

Everyone makes mistakes. Children are no exceptions. Scolding them does not bring a good result, but sometimes may prove to be bad. It is absolutely fine to make mistakes sometimes. The important thing is how politely you handle it and ensure the child does not repeat it.

  1. Accept the change:

It is always good to accept the changes. Children move from one stage to another stage of life that brings about mood changes simultaneously. Your child may sometimes need more pampering or may sometimes become more aggressive. Try to handle all these situations calmly as and when possible.

  1. Make them feel important:

Children love to feel important and easily start feeling neglected. Ensure you always allow your child to sit around when you are making some decisions about normal daily life. Also, pay attention to your child when he is talking or telling you something. 

  1. Spend some quality time:

It is very effective to spend quality time with your children. Stand by your child in their failure and also to celebrate their success. Let them know how much you care and are there in every situation. Whether your schedule is busy, find some time to make your bond stronger with your child.

  1. Help your child feel proficient:

Give them opportunities to work on their own. Find various ways to let your child know that they are capable. You can always help them and support them but do not serve them a ready solution for their problems.

  1. Respect your kid’s privacy to strengthen trust:

Being a spy every time would never help you to build trust with your children. Respect their privacy and give them some space. You can always knock on the door before entering your children’s room. This will also teach them good manners and will know that you respect their privacy that will help you have a good relation with them.


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