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How Involved Should You Be in Your Child’s Academic Growth?

Written by Admin


Education is a synonym for team play. An effective teamwork, here, requires teachers, students, parents and even communities to come together to fetch the desired results. Holistic approach and complete involvement of each member is important for having a successful academic process.

Parents are central in shaping their child’s personality, perspective towards others, confidence and moral character. All these factors together contribute towards effective academic acceleration.

Schools have started encouraging more parental and community involvement and even parents have understood the necessity of getting involved in the whole process to a larger extent, leaving behind the traditionalists. To debunk the myth that the child’s education is the complete responsibility of the school alone, parents can hereby improve engagement in the following ways suggested:

  1. Using experience as a teaching tool: 

Encouraging your child to ask questions and answer them by giving daily life examples is one of the most interesting tools of clarifying of a particular concept. Creating learning situations will reinforce the concepts being taught by their teachers. Build a natural learning environment where understanding and motivation to accomplish can be genuinely reinforced. It helps in memorization and recapitulation<>

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  1. Reading Therapy:

One of the most tried and tested technique which parents can use is to read to them at home. Reading is one of the most important skills for a child’s success at school. This technique is not only entertaining but, also helps parents to learn about their child by asking them questions while discussing. Regular feedback from teachers goes a long way.


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  1. Being Informed:

Checking their notebooks, assignment, discussing what they are doing at school, really motivates and boosts the confidence of the child. Even if they are underperforming, make them feel comfortable by having a candid dialogue, showing ways and setting examples to overcome the grey areas. Seek for extra help from the teacher/tutor in case you need some.

  1. Consistent Motivation

Encourage your child to give their best and prepare for A’s, but be willing and kind enough to make them understand that the value of efforts. Refrain from demotivating or snubbing them, if they don’t perform well at times.  Letting go and appreciating them can really motivate them from within. Motivating them for their unique qualities is the key.

  1. Taking care of their overall well-being:

A healthy mind and body play an important role in bringing academic success. Parent must take care of their child’s mental and physical health. Feeding on a nutritious diet, healthy daily routine, exercising regularly and emotional support, hand in hand go a long way.

  1. Parent-Teacher meetings:

Many parents tend to skip PTM due to their busy schedules, hectic lives or other priorities. Not keeping in touch with their school teachers, can hinder their academic progression. Parents need to consider the theory of checks and balances, so that both teacher and student are aligned towards a desired goal.

  1. Tapping into their interest areas:

Empowering your child to make unique and their own choices is a way to encourage sense of independence. Of course, we need to regulate and tell them about right and wrong. Allowing them to introspect, reflect and explore boosts their radical mindset. It will help in harness their interest areas and allow them to pursue with an informed approach.

  1. Unplug the over controlling side:

It has been quite common with parents to delve into their controlling sides when it comes to their kids. We really need to understand kids, as independent individuals on earth with their own set of choices, likes and dislikes, their very own preferences. Over-protective nature and too much intervention of parents will only hinder their growth. Allow them to experience their failures sometimes, let them figure out ways to get over it and fix a certain problem on their own. Life is the best teacher.

  1. Practice what you preach at home:

Good manners and self-discipline can only be inculcated if the parents are preaching by practicing it first at home. Fact, children end up doing what they see not what they hear. Hearing out lengthy instructions will only make them repel the same. If you really want to teach them how to behave in a certain way, then they really need to observe you doing the same. Let’s not forget the world is changed by examples, and not opinions.

  1. Appreciation:

Praising your child when it comes to anything achieved or accomplished by them will always leave a strong mark. It will motivate them to work harder and bring the same smile on the face of their parents. Approvals from parents really make them feel fulfilled, secure and complete. Let’s not underestimate that pat on their backs.

Once again, reiterating the message hereby requesting parents to believe in their children. The participation of parents can make them feel valued, secure and acts as the biggest motivating factor in cruising through their academic challenges. Parents can act as the best guiding forces, in terms of being an anchor for their children through thick and thin, which in turn would enable their child to unleash their academic potential by contributing through their thorough personal involvement.


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