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An online student’s guide to time management

Written by Admin


The ability to manage your time effectively is one of the most important skills an online student can have. You will accomplish your goals more quickly if you manage your time well. The quality of your time is more important than how much time you have, as it is not about how much you have, but how efficiently you use it.


Students who study online, who often work full-time, have families to take care of, or juggle other responsibilities, need to be conscious of their time. The ability to manage your time efficiently is crucial to helping you stay focused when you may not have the group motivation of a class to keep you motivated or a set time to attend class.

You can not only stay on top of your studies but also be more proficient at work and in your private life with effective time management. You have to find an effective study system if you are committed to excelling at your online study.

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You can achieve your academic goals by following the seven time management tips below.

Tips for Online Students on Time Management

  1. Make plans in advance.

The busy schedule you have coupled with daily distractions can make it challenging to complete your tasks. Focused online students make sure they allocate time for their classes. They should also avoid surfing the web, have a consistent time and workspace, and minimize distractions.

Even though online students have more flexibility, it is important to engage with their studies often throughout the week. Ensure that you schedule reading assignments, online discussions, and assignments accordingly.

To plan your daily and weekly tasks, you might want to consider purchasing a calendar. Choose a calendar that highlights:

  • Deadlines for submitting drafts and final assignments
  • Meetups with study groups or other academic events, such as those related to your academic level
  • Meetings with teachers, tutors and mentors, virtual or in person


  1. Multitasking is not recommended.

You can reduce your productivity by avoiding multitasking. Hence, it must be avoided. Don't overwhelm yourself with assignments, but instead tackle one task at a time. The task at hand should always take priority, whether it is studying for an exam, reading a textbook, or participating in an online tutoring session. Consider the three or four most important tasks in order of importance, and put the most effort into those three or four tasks.


Using a task management tool, such as Trello or Smart sheet, will help you stay organized so you can stay on top of tasks. Consider digital to-do lists like Todoist or Ever note if you prefer traditional to-do lists.


Lastly, focus on what you need to do in the present rather than what you may need in the future. Put it on your calendar to focus on when you are closer to the deadline if it is a small assignment you will not need to address for a few weeks.


  1. Get your virtual study space up and running.

In order to complete your studies in the fastest and most efficient manner, you need to work in the right environment. If you plan on using the internet, make sure the Internet speed is high. Also, make sure you're in a comfortable environment with adequate lighting, sound, and background. Some students prefer a quiet background or an ambient background with quiet low-pitched voices, and some people prefer studying with their headphones on. Make sure that the lighting is not too poor and that you are seated comfortably. Make sure you put your cell phone away and close your browser windows.

As well as these elements, ensure you have all the necessary resources, such as textbooks and software specific to your online classes. To stay on task with your coursework, try to organize as much as you can beforehand.


  1. Keep distractions to a minimum.

Be careful not to surf the web incessantly. If you are interested in celebrity gossip, or just want to read the news, it is easy to get distracted. When you need to concentrate on your studies, avoid social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The Pomodoro Method may be of benefit if you struggle to remain focused. Working effectively with this method reduces time spent working and increases productivity. A 25-minute session is built into the tool, allowing you to concentrate on your online studies. To make the most of this method, you should:


  • Put a timer on for 25 minutes and focus on your work without any interruptions for that amount of time.
  • Take a quick five minute breather for a cup of coffee, to check your social media, or to do something else.
  • Give yourself a long, 15-minute break after you've worked four sessions.


Try downloading a website blocker to help you stay focused during your Pomodoro sessions. You can use tools like Freedom, KeepMeOut, and Switcheroo to stay on top of your daily tasks while you browse the web. You can block all websites or redirect your favorite websites to their home page by using these tools.


  1. Do something nice for yourself

By rewarding yourself after a task well done, you reduce your chances of burning out. When this happens, you will have trouble concentrating on even simple tasks.

As a reward, you should celebrate your achievements and do something you enjoy. It might be watching your favorite movie or a mini binge on a Netflix show or having a virtual night out with your friends. It is a good idea to take some time off from an assignment after working on it for several days or even weeks.


  1. Strive to find a balance.

Especially if you need to juggle school and work, it is also important to find a balance between coursework and your other responsibilities.


If you want to maintain a balance and avoid fatigue, you should allocate priority of your time to allow yourself to concentrate on school, work, and your social life when necessary. Creating a schedule that you can count on will allow you to get into a routine with minimal effort and help you focus all of your attention on a specific aspect of your life at a given point in time.

  1. Make sure you get a good night's sleep.

In order for your mind and body to be fresh the next day, you need to sleep well. Make sure that you get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Studying frequently will be more productive than pulling all nighters. Make sleeping part of your routine, and you will reap the benefits.


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