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Before conceptualizing Vedic Mathematics, it is essential to understand the meaning of Vedas in brief. “Vedas” literally means knowledge. These are four collections of the oldest texts of Indian sacred scripture- Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda. These contain hymns, mythological accounts, poems, formulas, guidance on custom and rituals. These are vast to understand, perceive and practice. Vedas are the essence of Hinduism.

Vedic Mathematics:

Vedic mathematics is a way or collection of different techniques retrieved from Vedas. It contains sutras (formulae) to solve mathematical problems and arithmetic efficiently. Vedic mathematics focuses on the right concept formation by thinking systematically and developing an understanding of mental mathematics. Vedic mathematics came into existence in the mid-1900s. It is based upon certain specific techniques and principles for various calculations. Vedic mathematics uses sixteen sutras to solve mathematic and arithmetic problems. Sixteen sutras are further divided into sub-sutras. Every sutra has its meaning and importance in solving maths problems.

  • Vedic mathematics converges at understanding the core mathematics rather than memorizing it. Vedic mathematics techniques help students to understand and solve mathematics in a crystal-clear way.

  • The ancient system of Indian mathematics is derived from sixteen sutras (formulae). Natural mental functions are the basis of these sutras e.g., “vertically and crosswise”, a brain naturally works systematically and coherently. Therefore, Vedic mathematics aims at directing appropriate methods for better perception.

  • Vedic mathematics is highly interrelated and unified. This uniformity and coherence make mathematics more interesting and enjoyable to understand and solve. By using simple sutras students can solve complicated mathematical problems with great ease, without the assistance of a calculator or even pen and paper.

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Question- Find the product of two-digit numbers 42 and 48.

In this question 2 conditions implicate –

  1. The sum of digits at the unit’s place should be 10 i.e., 42 and 48 (2+8).
  2. At ten’s place digits should be same i.e., 4


Step 1- Multiply digits at unit’s place = 2*8 =16

Step2- Add 1 to ten’s place digit = 4+1= 5

Step3- Multiply ten’s place digit 5*4= 20

Answer will be= 2016

In this way, students can solve complicated mathematics and arithmetic problems easily and quickly by applying certain principles and sutras.

  • Vedic mathematics gives striking and efficient methods to solve huge sums and difficult problems. This method is well-organized, direct, and interrelated. Vedic mathematics encourages students and teachers to develop and invent their techniques to solve questions.

  • Vedic sutras are powerful, effective but easy applications in different areas of mathematics like arithmetic, geometry, calculus, computing, etc.

  • Practicing Vedic sutras promotes creativity and improves memory. Students learn to work on the cognitive domain and utilizes mental processes to imagine the numbers subjected to mathematical operations. This method considerably increases their mental agility.

  • Vedic mathematics removes the phobia of math among students. It is a proven way to make modern mathematics more significant and easier to conceive. Students can implicate simple but effective tricks to solve tedious mathematics problems. These methods and tricks trigger the cognitive domain to think innovative and creatively.

  • Students feel internally motivated when they solve large mathematics sums without using pen and paper. They will be determined to develop and learn useful skills.

  • Due to uniformity and consistency in Vedic mathematics techniques, students need to learn and understand mathematics through these techniques at early stages for a better concept formation.

  • Vedic mathematics helps in doing mental calculations more easily and accurately. So, it is important to introduce it in the modern education system to utilize its usefulness for fast-growing technology.

  • Vedic mathematics algorithm is significant in improving mental efficiency to conquer difficult mathematical problems. Algebra, arithmetic, trigonometry, equation system, theorems, subtraction, multiplication, sum, division, calculus have their origin from Vedic math.

Vedic mathematics enables students to do calculations mentally. Vedic sutras and techniques have many advantages in implicating an adaptable mental system. It allows teachers and students to invent their own interesting and penetrating methods for outstanding results. Nowadays many educational organizations have realized the importance of Vedic mathematics, hence these are integrating Vedic math as an integral part of their curriculum.

Vnaya is an award-winning online tutoring platform, that provides individualized one-on-one tutoring for learners. Vnaya is a fully digitally integrated platform giving students easy and complete access to the world’s best tutors. Vnaya has introduced Vedic maths to enhance students’ learning, mental development, and creativity in solving tedious mathematical sums.


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