Knowledge Base

Before COVID-19 struck us, online learning was just seen as an option and something that is only considered when it is for distant learning for higher-level education. But the struggles with the pandemic showed us that online learning is a reliable way to gain education for primary and secondary level.

Although we are completely relying on the online learning system these days, it is important to ensure that students are adapting to these new learning styles. While students transition from in-person education to online learning, they might undergo a little trouble understanding and adjusting to the new process.


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There are different types of learning styles that are followed these days. The most common practices for online learning during COVID-19 are:

  1. Visual
  2. Auditory
  3. Kinesthetic
  4. Reading/Writing

Let’s cover each of these learning styles, suggesting the right ways through which students can adapt to online learning.

  1. Visual

In this practice, students see new information and try to grasp it through their vision. This type of learning style includes using images, charts, diagrams, videos, and other different visual material that can help students absorb everything they have in front of their eyes.

For visual learners, it is crucial that there should not be any disturbance around them which could be an issue in understanding what they are seeing. Visual learners should not consider sitting at places where could be a disturbance and should have a dedicated workspace. This will help to make the class the most engaging thing in their eye line. These learners can even work on making their own diagrams and charts that will help them to note the information and get a better understanding.

  1. Auditory

Auditory learners tend to learn and understand things when they hear them clearly. These kinds of learners perform great in lectures as they understand it easily and also tend to read the material to themselves to grasp it in a better way.

 For auditory learners, it is easier to excel in the pattern of online learning as it majorly depends on the impact of listening. The students should use headphones to block the outside noise that makes it easier to concentrate on the sounds of the lecture. They can even ask the professor to turn off the screen so they can particularly focus on listening to what is being taught. Reading study material to self also helps in revising the lessons to understand them better.

  1. Kinesthetic

This learning style includes physical learners who understand things better when they try them with their own hands. The learners are good with physical activities, coding, and even understand lessons better by writing them down. These are the learners who thrive in the hands-on and experimental learning environment.

Virtual learning environments are allowing kinesthetic learners to grow. Learners can record the lectures, perform the activities, or write the code or lessons to practice and take their time to understand it in their own way. With virtual lessons, there would be no rush to grasp everything during the lecture, or else they will miss it. Students can use the recording to revise everything any time they want till they understand it properly.

  1. Reading/Writing

It is quite clear with the name only that these kinds of learners tend to absorb the lessons in a better way when they choose to read them and then write them. These are ones who always prefer reading from books and understand better after doing a written practice. These learners can also consider making notes during the lecture to have reading material ready in a way they can understand better.

In the current practices of online learning, many schools and colleges are working on providing reading/writing material to students that could help them stay connected with their books and not make them completely dependent on virtual methods of learning. There are even some online platforms that allow creating automatic transcripts for lectures which can help students to read later to understand lessons and concepts.

Online learning methods have saved education and helped to continue the learning process even in tough times. Although the process is the same for all, the difference is in the way students can work on gaining knowledge and understanding it. They can follow any of these learning styles which suit them the best and can make their way through online learning and excel in their academia.


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