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5 Ways to Help Your Children Prepare for High School Math

Written by Admin


Math is one of those subjects that are directly used in our real lives. In everything we do daily, that’s connected to math in some way or the other. Whether it is about measuring distance or checking the time, math has a role to play in all aspects. But despite the importance of math as a subject, for many students, it is the most difficult subject. This is why they face a tough time understanding the concepts and improving their math skills.

Although math can be difficult, there’s no way any student can let it go simply as it would affect his academics. What’s needed here is to provide kids with some necessary help so they could prepare for a difficult level of math, the high school math, which is important to crack to get their marks good enough to apply for college. Here we have mentioned some ways that could be effective to help you support your kids to understand math in a better way.

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  • Encourage your child to use math every day

Math is a subject that is not just limited to the classroom walls. It is very much used in our everyday lives too. Help your kids to determine all the aspects in which we use math in our daily life. That’s the first step to start working with math to make students realize the value of the subject in our lives. Everything we do is somehow related to math.

Distinguishing the time of traveling based on the speed, calculating any bill, or calculating distance with time and speed are known are some of the common problems that we encounter in our daily lives. You can start by putting such problems in front of your children and let them work on them to find the right answer.

  • Set goals with learning

Math is not a subject can you can gain hold of in one day or even one week. You need to help your children set some goals or milestones while helping them understand the concepts of math. Give enough attention to the syllabus and segment the topics in the order they should be worked upon.

As you set goals for your kids, you can even keep some sort of reward for completing each milestone. This would make children more interested in covering each math topic according to the schedule.

  • Play math games

Math doesn’t always need to be boring and tricky. You can make it interesting for your kids. These days there are numerous games available that work on math as its foundation. This is a step that is used with kids in their early learning stages and can also be applied further to make math interesting.

There are different games like Monopoly, checkers, dominoes, and backgammon which can be played to understand mathematical concepts in a better way.

  • Provide authentic problems

What makes studying boring for kids is to read through books and cram everything in the same way. What you can do to make math interesting is to offer your kids some authentic real-world problems with which students can relate. This will drive their engagement towards math and would make them willing to work on that problem and solve it.

Solving math problems is all about student motivation, desire, and initiative to succeed. This can only be possible if they find any problem realistic. Put such realistic problems in front of your children and see them try hard to come up with a solution.

  • Focus on conceptual understanding

One of the major difficulties children face with math is to go over the procedure again and again till it’s entirely fed in their minds. That’s a wrong approach to study math and due to this, they end up forgetting the procedure to solve a problem within a few hours only. The need here is to get into the concept instead of the procedure.

You need to help your kids get the conceptual understanding of any mathematical section and then work on solving problems related to it. Give them all the time they want to understand the concept, and once they do, it will be easier for them to solve any problem related to it.

We cannot deny the fact that math is a difficult subject, but it’s not impossible to come across it. All these points will help you coordinate with your kids and help them enjoy math and understand concepts in a better way. This would ultimately prep them up for high school math.


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