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5 Strategies For Helping Kids During Exam

Written by Admin


Tests and exams are quite challenging for kids in their studies. School exams from the beginning have been a source of anxiety for the kids, and that is nothing one can avoid. With time, the educational standards rise, and so do their stress levels. By the time kids reach high school, they will have to be prepared for several other exams to get admission into good colleges for graduation.


Whether it is a kid or a high schooler, every student struggles with tests and exams along with high stress levels. It is a common problem for kids of all ages. But that does not imply that they will have to be anxious and stressed all the time. Educators and parents can help their kids in several ways to alleviate some of their stress. Kids, parents, and educators can become a team and imply strategies during exams that can help the kids alleviate stress and score good grades.

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                Here are the top 5 strategies to help kids during exams to score good marks:

  • Ensure that the kids eat and sleep well: When the kids do not get enough nutrients and sleep, they will eventually fall ill and feel anxious about their exams. It will affect their exams, and it will also badly affect their entire day. Lack of nutrients and sleep will drain their energy, and they are likely to doze off in between classes and might also feel more anxious than before. It is important for the kids to get enough sleep, especially the days before exams. Limiting the screen time of kids can help them to get a good night's sleep. Make sure that your kids sleep for at least 8 hours every night. Parents can encourage their kids to sleep early every night by making it a habit for kids to turn off the screen a minimum of one hour before sleeping time.

Also, a meal plan full of the right food items will make them feel good and help them a lot in their exam preparations. Choose food items with lots of proteins and other nutritious benefits. Parents can take the kids shopping and help them to choose healthy snacks over fast food items. The right choice of food items will keep the kids energetic all the time. Kids should also avoid using phones during their meal as it can hamper their state of mind and kids tend to lose their concentration faster.


  • Never make pressure and be flexible with kids: Most of the kids feel that they are being pressured by their family members to get good grades in exams. Hence, that leads to increased stress and anxiety. Kids need the support of their family members, especially during exam time. Listen to your kids and never criticize them. They are already stressed, and at that time, they need positive energy to perform their level best.

Before the kids go in for exams, reassure your kids and give them positive energy. Let the kids know that failing is okay. Failing in exams does not mean that it is the end of their life and career for them. They can also take the exams again, but hampering their life can not be a good choice.

After every exam, talk to your kid and ask about the problems that they faced in the exam. Also, parents should focus on the parts that they did and cheer them up. Parents can tell them to focus on their next exam and stop dwelling on the things of the past.

Another thing educators can do for their kids is to be flexible with their routine. As the kids are already revising every day, they need some time off to refresh their minds. Stay calm and help them by encouraging them to take small help in between studies. Do not force them to do household chores. 

You can also reward the kids for completing their revision and passing the exam. Parents or educators do not need to give expensive or big gifts. Help the kids celebrate after the end of exams by treating them. Take them to a favorite meal, let them watch their favorite television show, or organize a kids' get-together.

  • Talk to them about exam nerves: Talk to kids. That is the best way to make them feel relaxed. Make your kids feel that they have you and can spill everything that they are stressed about. Tell them that it is okay to feel stressed during exams. But, it is not okay to let this stress take over them and make them feel anxious. Put their nerves to a positive output.

If you feel that anxiety is taking over the kid, try to encourage them to practice a few activities that they will be doing on the day of the exam. It might help them to calm down and feel less scared. These activities include solving practice papers by creating an environment similar to the exam hall. Parents can take the help of educators for this activity.


Help your kids to face the problems through these activities. Do not let them avoid it as it will help them to understand the things they know. It will also help them to put the time that they have to good use in studying. It will also boost their confidence. 


  • Encourage them to exercise daily: Kids need to increase their high energy levels to tackle the problems and stress coming in their way. Exercising is their best choice that will help them to increase and maintain a good energy level. Adopting a habit of exercising on a daily basis will also help them to relieve stress.

Kids can go for different activities, such as cycling, swimming, walking, dancing, and playing outdoor games. These games are similarly effective as exercising. You can also add activities for kids that include other people to help them during exams.


  • Talk to your kid's teachers for special accommodations: Talk to the school teachers and tuition teachers to know how the kid is performing and behaving in school or tuition classes. It will help both the parents and teachers to share information about the kid with each other. They can also come up with different ways to help them.

A joint initiative can make it easy for the kids to be calm and relaxed during their exam hours. Try to understand what the kids need and discuss with teachers about special accommodations that the kid might need. These little special accommodations will help the kids to alleviate stress easily. It will also be of great help to kids in improving their grades.


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