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One of the important habits that students should adopt is good study habits as this will help them to maintain proper discipline and punctuality towards studies. It also helps them to become effective students and score well.



Here are some 5 important study habits for students:

  1. Make notes – Students are advised to make proper notes while learning any topic whether in the classroom or at home. This will allow them to recite the same later and have a good recap. This is one of the good habits students should adopt. In order to make proper notes, children must listen carefully to what is being taught as this keeps their minds engaged and active. Notes made especially by hand also helps students to improve their memory.
  2. Highlight important concepts while reading – The other important factor to make a habit is to always highlight the important key terms while reading anything. It helps you to focus on the main points and remember them. It is also important to highlight when you read the text second time as it gives you a deeper understanding of the text.
  3. Make a time table to study and study daily on the fixed timings – Students should always have a proper time table to study. It will help them to cover all the subjects and topics on time. It helps in better time management. Also, it provides a better understanding as there is no last-minute rush in student’s minds. They can divide their whole syllabus in days and can achieve their desired goals. Having fixed timings also helps students in a better way. It brings punctuality and discipline among the students and they can have a proper schedule planned for their day.
  4. Do not delay your planned learning schedule – Delaying the planned schedule may result in not accomplishing your goals. It will also hinder your progress in completing your syllabus on time which will ultimately affect the grades. Delaying the schedule once in a while is still fine but that should not be your habit. Children usually get this habit of delaying when they find any concept difficult to understand, but seeking help from elders or perhaps sometimes from your friends would help. So, focus on studies is a must .
  5. Seek help – Having doubts, troubles, or any other queries can be solved by seeking help from your parents, teachers, or friends. Getting stuck in the same problems will disturb your peace of mind. Trying to solve things on your own end is good to one extent but after a certain point, it becomes ignorance towards studies. Negligence is a big enemy of studies, which will not help you score good grades.

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Student’s life should work on discipline, punctuality, time management, and focus. They should always have an aim in their life and the urge to achieve the same. To make things easier and work smoother, children should adopt these good study habits and should also understand the importance of them.


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