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5 Ideas To Help Students Find Self identity

Written by Admin


Before analyzing the ideas of how to help students with self-identity. Let us understand what exactly is self-identity. Self-identity is referred to as a prominent aspect of one’s self-perception. It refers to who you are as a human being. It helps you in guiding you the way to make decisions in life. It is essential to make students understand the concept of self-identity as it helps them to make decisions and understand themselves as who they are as human beings. School and learning process plays a vital role in framing an identity for a student.

Looking at the term from a psychological end, identity is the quality, belief, expression, looks, and personality that makes a person.

Now let us have a look at the ideas that can help students to find self-identity.

  1. A teacher can help students to find their identity by analyzing the opinion of a student and how he/she reacts on a certain topic. A teacher can do the same with the help of an activity. All that a teacher will be required to do is form a circle of students and ask them to find an object a small object that matches their personality. The teacher can place a tall object or a bottle in the center of the circle. Now the teacher will be able to bring out different statements about light as well as common topics. Students will be asked to place the object in front of their feet or next to the tall object in the middle of the circle.

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As the students find and place the object either in front of their feet or in the middle of the circle, it will help a teacher to analyze the identity and will depict a lot about the student. A teacher can thus distinguish between different personalities of students from each other.

  1. Another way of helping students find their identity is by asking them about their interests. This can be done with another activity. The teacher can hand over two cards to the students. One for their interest, be it anything that they might want to know or do, but cannot, something they adore and want to know more about it or a country or a place that they want to visit desperately. The second card will be to depict or present their expertise, something they are brilliant or excellent at, and it could be anything. Let your students write both the things simultaneously on both cards, start the activity and ask your students why they have written what they have written on the cards. At last, hang all the cards in the classroom and let students look for other cards that might interest them to start a conversation. Let them open up with other students if they wish to about their interests with other students. If your students need your help, they can look at the expertise cards and seek help from the one who is an expert in the same.
  1. Another way by which you can help your students to analyze their self-identity is with the help of another activity, where you will let your students introduce them online, in probably 250 characters. For a student, this task is harder than one can think about. All that you will be required to do is draft a card that looks like an Instagram profile or another social media platform. Ask your students to present themselves as unique as they are. Ask them to explain the reasons why would anyone want to be friends with them. The students should look at the card as they are making a profile on social media platforms.
  1. Another way of making the students aware of self-identity is by engaging them in some mindful meditation. It is the process of becoming aware of one’s present life experience. Usually, this activity is done where the students are made to sit comfortably with the closed eyes and asked to pay attention to their breath, they are asked to pay attention to the inhaling and the exhaling breath with 100% attention for a period of 5 to 30 minutes. No doubt there will be distractions. The students are asked to pay attention to when their mind is distracted and also note the reason for distraction if it is a thought, idea, or a feeling and then get back to attention to the breath and repeat this process back and forth. This will help the students to learn and become aware of the things that go in their mind and what goes out in the world. This activity will help the students to deal with negative emotions, life challenges, and other negative thoughts.
  1. The last way of creating self-awareness and letting students know and become aware of identity is by introducing another activity, where you ask the students to create and write their own autobiography. You can ask the students to put together a photograph college, a series of drawings, or cartoons. This will help the students know and analyze themselves.

These are the ideas and the activities that a teacher can use in order to help the students become aware of self-identity. It is important to do so in early schooling because self-identity is what makes the personality of the student and helps them to polish and refine it.


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