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Learning Disabilities – How Do You Know if Your Kid has Any?

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Learning difficulties are neurological conditions in which a person is unable or slow to learn, perceive, or comprehend information. Children with learning difficulties are unable to read, write, listen to, and comprehend mathematical concepts, as well as general comprehension. Some of the learning disabilities are:

  • Dyslexia:

 A learning disability in which a child finds difficulty in reading, interpreting, and learning new words, letters and symbols. But the general intelligence of the individual remains unaffected.

  • Dyspraxia:

Dyspraxia is a developmental coordination disorder in which the individual has difficulty with coordination and balance. Speech delays and difficulty in drawing and creating things are learning disabilities.

  • Dyscalculia:

Individuals with dyscalculia show trouble learning mathematical skills at different levels. They have difficulty remembering the basic facts, formulae, and rules in mathematics. They cannot perform backward counting. They possess poor arithmetic skills and numbers as well as estimation sense.

  • Dysgraphia:

It is a learning issue in which a youngster is unable to express his or her thoughts and ideas on paper. They hold the pencil in an unusual position and place their wrist while writing. They are unable to construct whole sentences with the correct words. Dysgraphia is characterized by frequent erasing and spelling errors.

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  • Non-verbal learning disability:

An individual with a nonverbal learning disability lacks an understanding of nonverbal aspects of communication like body language, facial expressions, and voice tone.

  • Visual perceptual:                                                                                                                    

It is a learning disability in which an individual is unable to distinguish between similar-looking objects. The sufferer cannot solve problems related to figures and images. Poor hand-eye coordination is a characteristic of visual perception. They have poor observation and demonstration skills.

  • ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

Children with a higher IQ can also show this learning disability. In ADHD individual is unable to pay attention and focus on things or instructions due to overly activeness. They have difficulty controlling impulsive behavior.

These are the most prevalent learning disabilities which are crucial to address. Education psychology is the branch of psychology in education that helps in understanding individual differences. Education psychology provides great help in dealing with the learning disabilities of students.

How can parents know that their children have learning disabilities?

For both parents and teachers, it is critical to be aware of learning disabilities. Understanding the learning skills of the students allows parents and teachers to provide the right guidelines and pursue teaching more effectively. Parents can know about the learning disabilities of their children in the following ways:

  • Parental involvements in study

Parental involvement in children's academic activities is critical. They should be aware of the children's education standing. Parents must attend the parent-teacher conference for performance evaluations. They should discuss many areas of the child's learning conscientiously.

Consistently low grades and slow development in a particular subject area suggest a specific learning problem.

  • Reading and writing skill test

Apart from scholastic evaluation, parents should test children based on reading and writing skills. Giving children articles from books, newspapers, and magazines is the best way to test their reading skills casually and speaking skills.

  • Testing fine and motor skills

Children with poor handwriting, sloppy work, and disorganized content have weak hand and eye coordination. They are unable to draw and create systematic and neat content. They usually create clutter while performing any motor skill-related task.

  • Difficulty in recalling facts

Children with learning disabilities struggle with remembering and recalling the concepts and subject matter. They cannot solve words and mathematical problems. They usually hold the pencil with a tight grip.

  • Rebellion behavior

A child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder shows rebellious behavior. They have a lack of emotional development and exhibit violent behavior.

It is critical to correctly diagnose a child's learning disabilities to provide appropriate measures for better learning. Parents and teachers can surely assist children in overcoming learning impairments if they make conscious attempts.

How to deal with a child’s learning disabilities?

  1. Practice brings perfection

Make your children practice various skills in which they are facing difficulty in learning. Practicing language learning skills like speaking, reading, writing, and pronouncing is a great way to improve the learning difficulties of children.

  1. Introducing new words

Introducing new words through various means such as listening to the news, reading the newspaper, novels, storybooks and watching movies, etc can improve the vocabulary of children.

  1. Word resemblance

Allow children to learn to distinguish between similar words and numbers by associating them with other objects. Clockwise and anticlockwise orientation, right curve and left curve concepts can be helpful in this context. Objectifying alphabets and numbers in different ways helps them to remember.

  1. Work on communication skills

Informal ways to improve children's communication skills include communicating with them in crisp, clear sentences with proper pronunciation. The best strategy to improve children's language learning skills is to switch to language learning applications and online language tutoring services.

  1. Motivation

Motivate your child at every stage of learning. Giving them trivial tasks and celebrating their achievements helps them to combat learning difficulties.

Subjecting children to the right counseling and guidance sessions is a great way to improve their learning skills. Many online tutoring institutes work on catering to individual differences by using varieties of teaching supportive aids for learning. Experienced and intellectual tutors design personalized tutoring sessions to improve children’s performance by handling their learning disabilities.


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