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NAPLAN | 3 year AGO

How to find a Tutor for Online NAPLAN Tutoring?

Written by Admin


NAPLAN, i.e., National Assessment Plan-Literacy and Numeracy is a form of assessment, purpose of which is to determine and quantify if certain educational outcomes have been achieved by students or not. It is further used to inform and shape government policy and plan school curriculum. It is a tailored bespoke test that adapts to student responses; while presenting students with questions that vary in levels of difficulty, ranging from moderate, easy to tough, which in turn results in better assessment and precise results. It is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7and 9 and all students belonging to these Years are expected to participate as well.

Now, question arises: Why is NAPLAN Testing considered to be of value in these Years? Well, NAPLAN acts as a tool through which governments, school and education institutions, teachers and parents can determine whether or not young Australians have the required literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for learning. It also rewards the students for achieving high levels of productivity and participation in the community. NAPLAN Tests provide educational institutions and parents with a clear idea and understanding of how each individual student has performed, which is much needed because it gives a clear idea as to where the student is lacking and where he/she has performed the best so that required improvements can be made accordingly.

As discussed earlier, NAPLAN Tests are completed in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 of school. There are 4 components tested:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Writing
  3. Language Conventions- spelling, grammar, punctuation
  4. Numeracy

The literacy tests are based on curriculum in the English arena and the numeracy tests draw their curriculum from the mathematics learning area.

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Upon a brief discussion about what NAPLAN entails and its importance, we can agree that every parent must make sure that their child performs well in this extensive test. Their child’s skills and abilities will be put to test and the results of this test can make or break their confidence, being it such an impressionable young age. Therefore, it becomes necessary that you equip your child with everything that is needed to ace this test. These requirements may range from choosing the best schools for your child so that they develop a deeper and thorough understanding of the subjects being taught to them to creating an understanding and nurturing environment at home so that it may enable your child to develop the mindset needed for taking this test. Lastly, a fact that cannot be ignored is that as a parent, you not only have to take care of your child but a million other things as well, be it work, household chores, etc. the responsibilities are never-ending. Sometimes, because of your hectic work-life schedule, managing your child’s studies may take a step-back or you simply are so tired that you cannot help your child with the preparation of this Test. Therefore, it becomes essential to find a tutor that is best suited to your children’s needs and has a deeper knowledge and understanding about the task at hand.

Advantages of employing a tutor to help your child with the preparation of NAPLAN are innumerable. Firstly, you always have someone to count on, moreover, your child has someone that he/she can approach easily to help him/her with their studies and preparation. Secondly, employing a tutor will be beneficial as he/she will make a fixed schedule for your child, keeping in mind, your child’s daily schedule, so as not to overburden him. Thirdly, a tutor is a friendly person who is there to help your child at a personal and more intimate note. Sometimes children get shy and reluctant to ask for help at school, but this never happens with a tutor, as he is more of a friendly face rather than an authoritarian figure. Lastly, the one-on-one attention that your child will get will not only facilitate his learning process but also his soft-skills will be enhanced that only comes with conversation and experience.

Now, the only question remains: How do I find a tutor that is best suited for my child’s preparation for NAPLAN? We, at Vnaya are the answer. With one-on-one tutoring sessions that cover theory, practical examples and exam strategies we ensure that no stone is left unturned and your child is fully prepared for the test as we have covered over 2500+ topics till date. We ensure that your child is completely ready to take the test by assigning extra practice sessions. With over 400 highly skilled tutors, we have taught more than 1000 students till date and delivered over 500k live sessions for the same. You can book a demo class on a topic of your choice and decide.


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