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How can I help my child learn

Written by Admin


All parents want to help children learn and do well in school. They buy textbooks and educational games. They pay for tutoring and extra support. They worry about how well their child is doing. They stress about what they can do to help. 

I know this because I have worked with many parents who are spending an enormous amount of time, effort and money trying to ensure their child’s success in school. I have seen parents who were anxious, frustrated, upset and exhausted spending hours each night helping with homework only to have to do it again the next night.

It shouldn’t be that way.

My mission is to take the stress, exhaustion and worry out of the equation. Helping your child should be fun, stress-free and productive. And there is a simple way to make sure that it is.

To enjoy helping your child learn AND to ensure that your child gets all the help he or she needs is as easy as 1,2,3.


  1. STOP – doing what isn’t working. You know what I mean. Whenever you or your child feel stressed, unhappy or confused about something – stop doing it!  


Because all that is happening is that everyone is getting upset and no one is learning anything. Keeping a good relationship with your child is far more important than trying to get homework completed.

Also, when you stop doing what isn’t working you make space for what will.

  1. DISCOVER - your child’s learning needs. Don’t guess what support he or she needs, don’t gamble with your child’s future. We all know where gambling leads – no one wins.

It broke my heart when I saw parents trying to help their kids but having no idea about what type of help their child needed.  In most cases, these parents were even stopping their child learn though they didn’t know it.

It can be hard to discover the type of help children need – that is why I created The Porter Process™ so that all parents could discover exactly what support would increase their child’s ability to learn.

No one else was doing it so I had to!

Contact Vnaya if you want to know how you can access this program and start by taking the free assessment on their website.


  1. DELIVER – support that matches your child’s learning needs. This is the only way to lead your child to learn.  The only way to increase your child’s ability to learn.  The only way to say goodbye to stress and confusion forever.

Does your child need to reignite his or her motivation to learn?  Find ways to help make that happen rather than complaining that he or she is lazy and won’t work.

Does your child need help with Math?  Find a tutor that teaches the way your child learns so that tutoring is effective and fun.

Does your child need to Make sense of School?  Teach your child the simple strategies that will make this happen.

So, 1. STOP doing what isn’t working   2. DISCOVER the type of support your child needs  3. DELIVER the support that makes a difference.

Easy as 1, 2, 3!


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