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Education: What Makes a Great Teacher?

Written by Admin


No comfort or luxury can match the good that comes along with good education. And this power to impart education lies with a good teacher, or we should say a great teacher. Whether the kid is starting with his primary education or about to start college, the one thing that matters the most for his education is having a good and knowledgeable teacher. 

A good teacher can make a huge difference in the world by impacting students’ lives in many ways that could help them achieve long-term success.  Student achievement in the classroom is very much dependent on teachers. But the question is what makes those teachers great? Is it some sort of qualities or certifications that make them reliable? Well, there are a lot of aspects behind it. 

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Let’s cover all such points that could help you better understand the factors that make a teacher great and reliable for imparting education to students.

  • Good Listening Skills

Listening is one of the most important skills that a good teacher should have. Not all students learn what’s taught in the classroom on the same level. Some might take time to understand things. A good teacher will offer them the ease and a platform to open up about their doubts and queries and listen to them and resolve them. A teacher should be a good listener to give students the confidence and comfort that they can ask anything from the teacher. 

  • Communication Skills

When it comes to imparting knowledge, it is important to have the relevant communication skills to convey knowledge the right way. Communication is the key to making students understand concepts. A good teacher will be able to communicate and interact effectively with kids. Teachers should be clear and confident while they speak. They should interact with students in a way that kids should feel comfortable enough to come up with what they have in their minds. 

  • Empathy

Another aspect of the teacher to engage with students effectively to improve their learning is to be empathetic and try to understand what they might be going through. Teachers have to be attentive, observant, and empathetic to maintain a positive attitude towards students and try to understand what might be going on in their lives. Teachers should understand what might be easy for a student might be difficult for another one. So, they should keep patience and show empathy to support students well in their learning process. 

  • Patience

No matter what grade the teacher is teaching, there would come a point where their patience would be tested. Whether it is about managing the decorum of the classroom or interacting with students with different views, good teachers would always be patient enough to handle it all. Even sometimes teachers have to be more patient than the parents. They might ask a lot of doubts and ask the same question again and again if anything is not clear to them. A teacher should maintain their patience level and stay focused on helping the students in the best way they can. 

  • Value Real-World Learning

Good teachers always understand that real education is way beyond books and in the real world. It is important for teachers to inspire students to open up and get ready for what’s out there in the world. Even while teaching, good teachers always give real-world examples to students to make them understand the concepts better by applying them in the real world. This way, students would not only just excel in their academics but will also get prepared for stepping out in the world. This approach will help students to be keen on learning everything that matters in the real world. 

Teachers have a great role to build and transform the lives of students. When you get your students ready to gain education, all you need is a great teacher who’ll take on from there and get your kid ready for the real world. 

All the factors mentioned above illustrate some prominent skills which would make a teacher great. Such a teacher would play a great role in the education of students and would help them improve in their academics. 

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Tester 11 Oct, 2022

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