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Water is one of the most valuable resources for us that is taken for granted. It is an irreplaceable element for us. Water is a shared need for us. The Human body is made up of 75% water and it needs to be constantly hydrated for maintenance of optimal psycho physical balance and to ensure the proper functioning of the systems. Water is like an invisible fuel to the body, as it is the means which transports nourishment to the organs. We should drink 1.5 liters of water a day.

Water is a colorless liquid and odorless liquid, and 71% of the earth is made up of water, that is why earth is known as blue planet. We celebrate 22march, 2021 as a World Water Day, to create awareness about saving water. Year 2003 was called as the International year of freshwater to bring awareness among the people about the importance of water. Out of this 71 %, the 97% water is in the oceans and seas, and remaining 3 % is the freshwater which is present in the forms of lakes, rivers. Out of this 3% of freshwater, 30% is groundwater (which is not easily accessible), 69% are in the form glaciers, icebergs, and finally out of the remaining 1% of water only 0.006% is used by the people for their uses.

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Water is present in different forms such as in solids, liquids and gases. In a solid state, water exists in solid form like ice and snow. In liquid state, water exists in liquid state, like in rivers, lakes, oceans and under the ground and in gaseous state, water exists as water vapor in the atmosphere. Water can change its physical state, for example it can convert itself from Liquid state to solid state and vice versa, liquid state to gaseous state and vice versa.

The continuous circulation of water in nature is known as water cycle. This process continuously happens on the earth. It maintains the amount of water present on the earth. The four main steps involved in water cycle (Figure 1):

  • Evaporation
  • Condensation
  • Precipitation
  • Collection

Figure 1: A water cycle

  • Evaporation: It is the process where water vapors are formed as the water gets evaporated from earth’s surface by using the heat from the sun. and the water vapors are carried by air particles.
  • Condensation: The water vapors get accumulated enough and condenses and form water droplets. These water droplets collectively form clouds.
  • Precipitation: when the amount of water vapor is increased in the atmosphere, the water droplets fall down back on the earth in the form of rainfall, known as precipitation. Or we can say that, when the water droplets become heavy as there is condensation of water vapor, then these water droplets fall down in the form of rain, snow, hail etc.
  • Collection: This is the last step. And as the water falls back on the ground from the above (clouds) gets accumulated at different places like lakes, rivers, sea, oceans and under the ground. That's how the water is regulated with specific amount.

There are various ways that we can save water from wastage like we can become the in-charge in our house try to save the rain-water and use it for some other purposes, a farmer can use drip irrigation and there are other ways too.

So, be the leader and try to save the water as much as you can.

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