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With many tests being held in the state of New Jersey- NJSLA (New Jersey Student Learning Assessment) is one of them. This test is for the students of New Jersey and is taken at all levels of school, i.e., elementary, middle, and high school. This test includes Science, Mathematics, and English Language Arts (ELA). The test of Mathematics and ELA is taken for grades 3-8 and Science is for grades 5, 8 and 11.

What are the steps that one should take for preparing NJSLA Test?

Taking tests can be made easier with good practice and guidance. Below are the tipps that a student can use to prepare for the exam and score well.

  1. Resources for State Testing:

The students can find all the related materials for the exam at the resource center. It provides various types of materials, including key dates, templates, forms, mock tests, assignments, and blueprints.

  1. Training session at New Jersey Student Learning Assessments Resource Centre

This one will get students all the resources and tools, including coordination with technology coordinators, test administrators, and test coordinators. This might be needed for preparing forthe test completely. The resources will be in the form of manuals, technology set up guidance, and training presentations.

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  1. Research for exam

There are different levels and types of exams in NJSLA, so one should properly research about the exam that one wants to give. If the student does not know about the course or exam, then  preparing for it can be difficult. So, suffiicient research of the same is necessary.

  1. Interaction with Teacher

It is necessary to have regular interaction with the teachers and seek suggestions for improving in the subjects. Guidance from a teacher can help them understand the areas where the student lacks. The teachers can guide them towards the right path of improvement.

  1. Regular practice of mock Tests

Students can get access to online samples for the NJSLA tests. These will help them experience the test and get familiar with online tools necessary for giving the test.

How to ascertainthe test is best for practice?

Practice Tests prove to be beneficial as they prepare the students well for the exam. There arevarious situations that one can face during the exam, and if one is well prepared beforehand, the chances of scoring well increase exponentially.

  1. Mixed format practice tests

Here, there are more than one type of questions. Hence, it proves to be particularly effective. It does not matter if the final test and practice test have common questions or not, but still, it helps to prepare for the test. As per the research, when students use different levels of their cognitive ability to resolve the interference they face , it leads to better retention.

  1. Multiple choice question

This is a single type of questions that is believed to be the most effective. As per the research, these questions do not require high cognitive abilities. Hence, these  practice tests and activities are less demanding and have stronger retention, which helps students to focus on other tasks with their cognitive energy.

A practice test will be more beneficial when the main test and the practice test have similar format. This is because of the Transfer-Appropriate Processing phenomenon that makes it easy for the memory to retrieve things similar to those at the initial level of learning.

How can parents help students to score well on the test?

Homework and attendance should be prioritized – Tests are the best way to measure the performance of any student. A proper time should be dedicated for the homework so that the students complete their assignments and are consistent in their work. In case any class is missed by the student, the parents must ensure that they make up for it.

  1. Interaction with teachers – To get continuous insights into the child’s progress, it is necessary to have regular interaction with the teacher. They will be able to mark out the areas that need improvement.
  2. Explain to them the benefits of the test – Many students do not want to take the test as they have fear. So, asking children about the test periodically and reassuring them by telling them the benefits of taking it will encourage the children to take it seriously.
  3. Encourage – It is necessary to applaud and encourage the children when they gain success in new concepts. They should be appreciated for performing well so that they are more inclined to practicing and learning more every day.
  4. Healthy habits – It is necessary to take proper care of the child’s nutrition and sleep. This will help them to retain information and focus properly. On the test days, specifically, it is necessary to have good sleep and a healthy breakfast.
  5. Ample space for study – Creating a space where the student loves to sit and study makes a lot of difference. Having all the necessary study material and tools in one place will prevent distraction and increase concentration.
  6. Efforts are important – Do not pressurize the students about the exam. Help them to prepare well, but do not keep telling them to score well. Appreciate the efforts they are making to improve themselves.


With this guide, students will get an idea about how to start preparing for NJSLA. This test is totally achievable if the preparation is done properly. Parents and teachers also play a major role in helping the students to prepare well. Students should stay motivated and keep taking the practice tests to perform better in the final exam.

Teachers and parents must support the students during the preparation by encouraging them and helping them improve.  If needed, parents can also ask for help from the school’s higher authorities.


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