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Education and the Corona Virus!!

Written by Admin


Is your child’s school open? Or has it been closed out of increased concern about the spread of the COVID-19 virus?

And what will it mean for your child’s education?

We are going through troubling times. Children are stressed and worried.  You need to take care of their mental health as well as limiting their exposure to the virus.

How do you do that?  The experts say that the best way to help kids cope is to keep things as normal as possible.  This is not easy to do when your child cannot go to school.  But not going to school does not mean a lack of education.  Many schools are looking at ways to educate students on-line.  Unfortunately, most teachers don’t know how to do this.  Working on line takes special software and a different approach to the subject matter.

Hire Tutor Now!

Fortunately, there are companies that understand how to make on line education effective and fun. I am fortunate to be allied with Vnaya – an on line tutoring company – that uses excellent, well trained tutors and magnificent software to make learning exciting and productive.

While you wait for schools to get their act together you might want to check out what Vnaya has to offer.  The first session is free.  Don’t let your child suffer because his or her school is closed.  Keep the learning going.  And look after yourself and your family until this all goes away.

Stay healthy, keep learning

Dr. Patricia Porter



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